*screams like a vengeful banshee*
*screams like a vengeful banshee*
I guess that witch whose tweet I saw (sorry, didn’t deign to memorize her name since she seemed like a two-legged pile of slime) is regretting saying that McCain “should die already” now that this news has come out.
Here, let’s look at these two statements from OoT:
Here’s the deal: I once had my mom screaming at me for like, hmm, three hours (?) for spilling a can of Coke on the carpet. She would rage at me for literally anything that she perceived as me doing something wrong or being disobedient or for just saying a word that she didn’t like, and she had a horrible temper. She…
Sounds entirely plausible to me - bad spending habits and compulsive shopping definitely constitute another route to financial ruin.
Ditto - I honestly want to know what he did to screw up their finances too.
This “health care” bill sucks so hard that I’m surprised it didn’t give every single one of its male authors a blowjob. *rolleyes*
The only people who would have taken that meeting - with an agent of a hostile foreign power - are blatantly stupid people with zero morals whatsoever, which certainly fits the Trumps to a T.
Will people also be able to publicly walk with and/or ride on their dragons now? And are they going to have insurance covering possible fire damage from the dragons and accidental sword injuries?
Can a single day go by without Trump collectively humiliating the country with his words and deeds? I read about this earlier and was hoping that a sinkhole would somehow magically open up under my building and just swallow it whole so that I could just escape from the embarrassment of this misogynistic orange jackass…
Typo fix: or tried to shape up anyway (forgot to type “up” and was busy writing work e-mails *facepalm*).
I’m so mad at OoT, and I’m not even the one suffering from the misfortune of being married to him.
My God - that Kilmeade quote literally sounds like something that could conceivably have come straight out of Trump’s mouth. *barf*
How long has it been since the tweet? Because I’m still basically rolling on the floor and dying of laughter over the “transparency” thing. I did, however, manage to struggle to my keyboard to record this fact for posterity!
I was watching PBS Newshour, and they had someone on who pretty much tore apart that photo even before this latest revelation from the Japanese blogger.
An open admission of collusion and treason because the Trump family is literally THAT stupid? Yay!
*places a gold medal around your neck and hands you a glowing magic orb*
I never get tired of seeing Nazis punched, so hey, it still works for me!
Trump is an odious and disrespectful toadstool. *sigh*
For the love of Christ, can this family of grossly incompetent fakes ascend to the loftiest heights of their golden tower in New York and never, ever leave it again?