He doesn’t need to convince a lot of players of this - this is the dominant mindset at that level. It’s an ankle sprain. Let’s stop pretending we’re talking about significant injuries, because we’re not.
He doesn’t need to convince a lot of players of this - this is the dominant mindset at that level. It’s an ankle sprain. Let’s stop pretending we’re talking about significant injuries, because we’re not.
I don’t like to throw shade, but nuance does not seem to be something you understand. There are shades of grey, especially when dealing with a mere ankle sprain in the biggest football game in the world.
Your point is sound, but I do wonder if you’ve played football.
This is a minor injury. I believe your point holds in the case of major injuries, but I’d have a hard time finding a football player of college level or higher (even most high schools) that would agree with your point in the case of minor injuries.
The point here is that if you DON’T need a stretcher. These are professional athletes playing a full-contact sport - they get hurt sometimes, and they know how to deal with it.
If it is major, by all means, do what needs to be done. But most football players know the difference between a ding and an injury, and…
I thought so when I saw her on TV a few years ago urging us to go to war with Syria because they had weapons of mass destruction. The balls.
This ^is a good thing she’s doing, but she’s been around the block too much, and quite frankly, I think results are screaming for the House Dems to have new leadership. They’ve…
It’s a cognitive bias. People don’t like to be wrong, and our minds will try to do gymnastics to justify our choices.
I’ll lead this off by saying that Obama was my favorite president of my lifetime, and that I was vehemently against Trump. Obama wasn’t perfect - I was disappointed on drones and Guantanamo especially, but I feel he was almost as good as you can get in this system. Certainly, the contrast between 44 and 45 couldn’t…
I know I’m probably going to be lit up for this, but the gender gap is an incredibly nuanced issue.
It is still the case that in some workplaces, a female and a male operating in the same position receive unequal pay. That said, it is increasingly rare, while it is also rare for that gap to be as significant as 20+…
Thank you for a well-written article that is clearly and concisely tackling one of this administration’s many scary threats and failures without resorting to cute epithets and hyperbole. Seriously.
...and this is a problem if you want to live in a free and open society.
I am no fan of Milo, but I might be less of a fan of his scheduled talk engendering violent and destructive protest.
Are we serious? Do we have to stoop to violence to combat words that haven’t been said yet?
I strongly recommend anything and everything about Scott Sonnon if you’re looking to rehab a body that’s been through the ringer. Since starting his stuff, I am the most flexible I’ve been in my life (in my 30s!), and I make it a point to rehab myself with his workouts after injuries and whatnot. I used to have to…
Good point. I rescind mine - wasn’t thinking that through.
I’m going to be raked over the coals for this, but here goes:
Why is it that identity politics always ends up in cannibalism? The modern movement seems to do a number of things I will never understand:
1. It shames and dismisses allies
2. It sexually or racially profiles those allies while dismissing them
3. It adopts a…
Well, at the end of the day, the Supreme Court is pretty much in the same place.
As a nation, we’re fucked in a lot of novel ways in the last couple months. This, however, is just politics-as-usual.
She may be a minor, but she likely has a closer relationship to death, pain, and/or discomfort than you do.
But I don’t think this is as clearly an issue of sadism as you’re painting it to be. The man has had that experience, and was willing to have it again in safe and controlled environment. It’s certainly a primal…
Well, I think the horror is more the blatantly partisan editorial directive that is now affecting content creation. By all means, take a political stance. But the majority of these articles have little to no research beyond whatever other publication’s story they’re pulling from, then they add some editorial…
Because your reality is one made of likely erroneous assumptions? It’s a site about games, and I’ll go to a site with some actual journalists for my politics.
I hate Trump. I think he is the worst thing to happen to this country, politically, in my lifetime. He needs to be watched like a hawk and put in his place at…
Are you knowledgeable of his lifestyle there? Among other things, he’s helping by being a beekeeper.
Note: Texas would be the 12th largest economy in the world if it was independent. Basic fact-checking skills, people.