
It got the name because the founder’s last name was White.

I’m guessing the majority of this comment section hasn’t bothered to actually read the story of the event that this seal is depicting. It certainly looks awful to modern sensibilities, and perhaps it isn’t the wisest depiction to maintain for that reason...


He’s quite accurate in that the “progressive” movement of today has little to nothing in common with the movements of the 60s and 70s.

There’s a tendency to conflate attacks on methodology with attacks on message. (The modern SJW movement has laudable goals, but laughable and even pernicious means.) While I can’t

Whoa, we’ve got some virtue signalling here.

The teams here are boxing or MMA, if you’re trying to tribe up. Or we could just appreciate this strange spectacle for what it is.

Mayweather and McGregor are both laughing all the way to the bank.

“Maybe but I don’t care.” This statement belies a lot. If you willfully throw out reason for the sake of emotion, you’ve already lost the battle. But you don’t care. Good luck with whatever Sisyphean fight you’re engaged in, but I’ll be looking to join a pluralist coalition of allies in the fight against this

Friendly advice - step outside your bubble/echo chamber for a second. The world as a whole is not nearly as progressive as you think it is/want it to be. Any worthwhile social cause takes time to educate and to make progress. For many, Caitlyn Jenner was their first exposure to this topic - and she’s an awful

“Writer watches a decade+ old documentary and uses it to write a profile piece.” That should be your headline.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I hate Trump, probably as much as you guys do. But at least pretend to have some journalistic ethics or effort. The editorial hackjobs are getting really

As someone who often does the same thing, you’re just taking subjectivity and creative intent to some sort of rhetorical extreme. Let’s break this down:

Sexy world = sexy armor. “Cool!”
Realistic world = realistic armor. “Cool!”
Serious world = sexy armor. “What? Why? What about...?”

Most of these responses to you are

I appreciate nuance, but you’ve gone past that into being slightly obtuse, if you don’t mind my saying.

Yes, personal expression is something humans do. Along with irrational things. Sure, there are certainly individuals that would opt for bikini armor when given the choice. However, these are the exceptions, and

I tend to agree, but there’s a lot of room for nuance here.

There are undoubtedly cultural factors that influence sex drive/approach to sex for women and men. However, to dismiss the physiological factors is disingenuous.

Humans are a sexually dimorphic species, and the sexes do have very different endocrine systems,

The man is a former plumbing apprentice from Ireland who worked his way to becoming the world MMA champion at 145 and 155. That is “hard work” to an extent that you and I likely cannot fathom. Of course the views of this Irishman are skewed when it comes to an American politician.

I think it’s a solid message, though

Excellent points - I regret that I can only give you one star.

To add to yours, some of those polls do show more moderate numbers when it comes to holding non-Muslims to Sharia, as well as to what extent those that support Sharia support some of its harsher and more draconian measures. There’s certainly reason to be

Thank you! Was wondering where it went. It’s well-written and incredibly informative to boot!

I’m slightly confused and looking for help here.

Is it merely that the outer layer of the sun is slowing down when compared to the interior, or is the entirety of the sun slowing down?

Maybe related: I recall learning that the Earth has slowed down over time - that say, the dinosaurs had a slightly shorter day than we

Thank you for calling me on this, actually. I wrote hastily. I was thinking of the Shariah law statistic and conflated it and the violence question. Not proud of that mistake.

Per those polls, a majority of Muslims do believe that Shariah law should be the law of the land. Shariah is what calls for the death of

Totally on your page. The woman is at a comedy show featuring a Latino comedian. Let the man perform. It’s the comedian’s role to tackle taboos.

But Lopez handled this with nothing resembling grace or skill.

I feel that both sides are lacking a bit of nuance.

Obama refused to even acknowledge radical Islamic terrorism. HRC was at least able to use the words. The facts are that the majority of Muslims do believe that Muslim terrorists are true Muslims, and it is an ideology that is hostile to the values of pluralism and

Well, is the replacement solution the Golden Path?

(Hey, maybe that’s what Trump is doing... but probably not.)

I’m pretty sure suicide bombing is about as old as bombs, which came a long time before the Crusades.

Ideologies aside, scientists from Russia and Germany have created some pretty astounding technologies. These scientists were still observing the scientific method, and many of those German scientists went on to develop our sciences. 

Especially when the Iron Curtain was still up, Russia had some fascinating tech that