
Produce? Where is CA going to get its water? :P

Pluralism. It used to be a core concept of liberalism. But liberals are no longer liberal, and conservatives are no longer conservative. But both love to paint everyone else into the other bubble and shit on them.

Russian connections aside, I don’t think comparing Trump to Lenin really holds water. Politics aside, the latter at least had an impressive mind.

I came here expecting to find actual plagiary. Instead, an entire article has been written about a few words of similarity between Trump’s speech and that of a Batman villain.

Can we save the alarmism for the actual issues? There’re plenty of those to deal with, rather than indulging in the cult of the Donald by

I don’t encourage or condone such speech, but it is just speech. I recognize it can have influence on the emotions of others, to stir up a mob or to cause emotional harm to someone. How would you combat that?

In a civil society, the answer must be words. To escalate to the use of force to fight words is to take on

As a devil’s advocate, I guess I fit into the “you guys” here. I draw the line at civil, legal conduct. His saying stupid shit is his right. Our punching him in the face for it is illegal. There’s a line for you.

A lot of people here are crying out about defending civilization, but then saying this guy should be

I’m not sure it’s “patriotism”, per se, but a commitment to the ideals of civilization upon which this country was founded. It is a strange thing that this guy’s views, however abhorrent, seem to grant carte blanche to most people on this thread to physically assault him.

The guy still has consequences for his

I shouldn’t get involved in this, but I believe that AAH’s point is that in many cases, a person is not free to avoid a contract with a heavy-handed organization. Other circumstances may prevent there from being another option, while an HOA or its rules may move in after one has already established a residence that

Elon Musk is incredibly smart and funny. So’s his girlfriend.

Trump and his administration sucks, we all get that. But would it kill you guys to write an article that pretends to have some sort of journalistic effort, integrity, or objectivity?

This is a huge setback for social progress. It is not (yet) the ruin of civilization. When the ruin of civilization does happen,

I’ll just leave this here:

You’re making unfounded assumptions and seem to have a hostile axe to grind. I’m simply pointing out where the Clinton campaign made major-league mistakes.

Semantics aside, do you think it helped Clinton’s campaign to give her any position at that time?

Amen. The sheer audacity of her campaign was appalling and disrespectful to her supporters and/or those voting against Trump. Hiring DWS the DAY AFTER she resigned in disgrace from the DNC was a watershed moment of hubris in a campaign rife with hubris and apathy. So much was taken for granted that couldn’t be.

Ah, the cannibalism of identity politics.