
Thoughts and prayers, Roy.

Only if you’ll stop saying “herbs” with an “H.”
Thank you for producing all my favorite bands, especially prog rock.

No. Remember Martin Sheen’s character in The Dead Zone? That’s how Cap’n Bone Spurs would act. Use the nearest toddler as a human shield.

I don’t wanna get too “Fat old guy with no training” shrink on Trump but look at his body language when this dude’s talking. Arms wrapped tightly around himself and swaying. He’s literally rocking himself. I thought it was defensive at first (and it is) but it’s also meant to be comforting to himself.

No you can’t. Don’t paint all Christians with this incomprehensibly stupid brush.

Dude, don’t lump us in with these morons.

Although I got zero points for my attempt at the triple axel, in my mind I went for it

The problem is that nobody knows how they will react until the bullets start flying. I was in a class with a pararescue instructor, he said he saw well trained military members hiding under desks crying when shit got real. How do they plan to train the teachers for something the military can’t figure out?

Donald, No.

In the “agony of defeat” section, watching Nathan Chen was one of the more painful things I’ve seen in the Olympics.

There is still some justice in the world: in South Africa, a pride of lions killed and ate a poacher.

Also, why the HELL do we Democrats just insist on being excited by candidates?? Why is that a thing with us? Why have we as a voting block not examined our own screwed-up thinking here? Why is up to the DNC to give us an “exciting” candidate (whatever that means) instead of on us to realize that governing is a job,

“The democrats major problem is that they have no faith in their base.”

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

That was also something Clinton suffered specifically from.... Whenever she had to campaign, everyone hated her and her approval rates dropped, but whenever she was on the actual job, everyone loved her and her numbers went back up. It’s such an awful paradox of politics.

I don’t care if people think John Kelly is some kind of savior as Trump’s Chief of Staff, he is a fucking terrible person, based on his words, his hateful, false words. His contempt for innocent Dreamers, his lies about that Florida Congresswoman, calling her names. Being in the military, even high up, doesn’t

RIP Cleavon & Gene. Siiiiigh.

That being said, she quickly added, “If you’ve already got the flu, I’m gonna pray for you right now ... flu, I bind you off of the people in the name of Jesus. Jesus himself gave us the flu shot.”

I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.

Exactly. Voting is not an art— you don’t wait to be “inspired”! It’s a fucking civic duty, so you do it because you just do it. It’s a job.