What is this thing we are doing now where we blame elected Democrats for the fact that OTHER DEMOCRATS WERE NOT ELECTED?
What is this thing we are doing now where we blame elected Democrats for the fact that OTHER DEMOCRATS WERE NOT ELECTED?
I am team No Dynasties. No Bushes, no Clintons, no Obamas. If he’s the nominee I’ll vote in the general for him, but he won’t be my choice in the primary.
I’d personally set expectations low. The response to the SOTU is a crap gig - you don’t have an audience like the President has, the President gets weeks to fine tune the speech but the respondent either has to basically wing it or wind up looking like they are living on a different planet (especially with someone who…
I’m under the same impression. But they better think twice before installing him as the heir apparent bc there’s also a risk that he could be Caroline Kennedy’d. Unless he shows himself to be some kind of white Obama, they may just find the limits of party loyalty with a sizable chunk of people who dutifully pulled…
Well, we haven’t had a Kennedy in the WH since before I was born, so I might be OK with that, though I admit I don’t know much about his policies. I admit I always have to check to make sure we’re not talking about the anti-vaxxer one. Also, it might be cool to see Trump get his ass handed to him by a younger,…
You’d have to give 6 to 1 or better to get any action from me. Camelot Redux sounds awfully good about now.
Depending on how he does I’m sure it’ll spark 2020 talk (it already is). And you’re 100% right. And I wish it wasn’t a a white guy who’s going to be paraded as a potential savior. But I’ll never trust my (white) countrymen and women again after 2016 to vote for anyone not white and male, and people are actively…
Attitudes like that are why Trump won, dude. It will be an autocracy if a huge percentage of the population just fucking gives up and sits at home bleating about how unfair the electoral process is instead of voting. Do better.
It all changed when TV came upon us - politicians who looked good on tv and spoke reasonably well changed the game. Kennedy for sure.
But remember ... Hillary just wasn’t “likable” as if that fucking mattered. The point is - can she do the job.
Samantha Bee did a bit about how 2010 was the most important election for progressives... and they didn’t show up.
In 2016, that someone was clearly NOT Trump. Even a casual knowledge of the guy would tell anyone that.
We need to watch They Live and take notes on how the aliens used our basest impulses against us. Here’s my husband’s take on that film:
Millennials rarely vote in midterms or local elections and often ignore down ticket races. They want all of that? Then they need to start voting in every election.
Thank you! Fuck any asshole (as a gender neutral term) who looks at what’s happening and shrugs because Dems are just the same.
My question was a serious one. I would appreciate a serious answer UNDER THE CURRENT SYSTEM.
You are talking about voter suppression; that is in states run by republicans. The democrats don’t have the power to change that until they regain control of state legislatures and governships.
Someone to “inspire” them. Because fuck the good of the country, the Constitution, the safety and security of other countries, they need the purest, most inspirational candidate that will make all of the birthdays and Christmases come at once.
Explain to me, Millennials, WTF do you want? What will get you off your asses and voting? Because if this dystopian level nightmare we are currently experiencing is NOT ENOUGH to motivate you to vote, then what is?
When I was growing up, I had an aunt and uncle on Madison & 65th (late 1960s-early 70s) and I thought it was the most elegant place in the world.