
The DA, detective and courts are 100% shouting “woo hoo! Got another one!” and slapping each other on the ass with joy now.

I actually preferred the less drama-filled Chandler-Monica relationship.

The Vietcong never attacked Texas or Alabama.  I think Dubya's record speaks for itself.  

We need to find another name because he will never ever not even close NEVER EVER come close to the brilliance of George Michael. are people not allowed to not like Michael Jackson?! Lol

Always nice to read interviews with porn stars. Even regular movie starts get put into nice little boxes for easier consumption, but porn stars seem to be actively silenced by almost everyone, even the people who supposedly are for their rights etc. will gladly talk over them, judge them and eviscerate them if it

sorry - what i mean to say is Aliens tends to be attacked for what it isn’t, and it’s no coincidence that that often happens when people are re-appraising Alien 3. A lot of the criticisms of Aliens are completely fair (marines dialogue sure, xenomorph demystified slightly sure) but taken on its own terms it’s an

it’s common enough considering how desperately wrong it is as a take.

(sighing loudly) this take again

Curious — did you see Aliens in the theater? I’m just trying to figure out how someone could arrive at an opinion so wrong, and all I’m coming up with is that you saw it with the hindsight of the both the hype and all the other movies that followed it.

Alien 3 doesn’t exist. Not really. I will die on this hill and gaslight as many people possible while doing so.

Huh. An article about a movie that doesn’t and never did exist. That’s new. What an interesting thought experiment about how freakin terrible such a third Alien movie would have been.

All 300 dollars of Detroit’s money. Great ve em Michigan’s money as a whole.

So what it you like stuff that codes white and codes black, and codes hispanic and codes asian, is there a problem dating people from all of those categories in your mind? And if you do end up settling down with someone who looks different than you, shouldn’t that be acceptable? In your last line, “you haven’t

Sure, we can agree on that. There is no reason to throw a race or gender of people under the bus because of your perceived grievances about how back then, they didn’t want you, now you’re hot, they all up on you.

You’re entitled to your opinion, I’m just interested in why you have it. Black people are allowed to like whatever we like, and whoever is there. My continued point is addressing the dating aspect the article is discussing. Saying Black girls didn’t like you is a disingenuous deflection if it is you who deliberately

It comes from the same White male-centered mindset (I’m a Black woman, don’t know if this matters to you). Race and gender are not interchangeable in this (or barely any other) interactions. But look what happens if we try to fit it: a woman at a Con would have to deny being there to find nerdy men, start dating a

We said “sock” Curt. Let’s talk about your bloody SOCK!

On the field he was a really great player who played a key role in his teams winning 3 World Series and reaching one more. He is a solid Hall of Fame candidate, although I don’t know if he’ll get in. I’m a Red Sox fan, he was a huge reason why they won in 2004 and 2007.