A Town Like Alice in Chains

If I ever meet Denton, I’m telling him that hiring David Lynch as the UI designer was a bad idea.

This album is as great as Kinja is terrible.

It were a fine time to be alive, them days when Michael Wincott would play every murder-lovin’ bad guy that needed playin’.

The Crow and Dark City made me think Alex Proyas was a director to watch. (I even enjoyed Garage Days, which was slight, but charming.) Anyway, the Crow comics were mostly pretty lousy too, but there was one written by Alan Grant, about a Native American transposed in time to get revenge on the descendants of his

I can thankfully confirm having also seen Cookie here, but like us all, trapped in the Lynchian hellscape that is Kinja, comments weaving in and out existence.

Right-wingers are also upset that someone made fun of the FLOTUS for wearing stilettos, because nobody called Michelle Obama a gorilla or a man. (They’re not upset, of course; they’re just shameless and fighting total war.)

The lamestream media is working hard to discredit the theory. How … convenient.

Hey, if George Soros doesn’t want to be hassled, he shouldn’t be such a money-grubbing globalist*.

AC/DC is the quintessential bar band, and they’re all the better for it.

I liked, how instead of his catchphrase, Coop made a “hm” look that signaled a pretty pedestrian cup of coffee.

I think maybe pur accountant friend had a side job.

Goddamn if James Belushi hasn’t grown on me a bit after this.

When she started dancing, closed her eyes and then smiled that mischievous smile, old Audrey shone through.

I thought about that Mad Men episode where they set up a new company with Lane’s help, and avoid being gobbled up by the Brits. It was a very exciting episode, in large part because the rest of the show moved so slowly. Dale’s return was definitely a fist-pump “hell yeah” moment.

I’m sure this will be entertaining, but if Downey Jr were to pick an Erle Stanley Gardener property to star in, why not Cool & Lam?

I have fond memories, but Lifeforce is one of those movies I’ve decided not to revisit, as it will surely be a letdown.

My dad rented Lifeforce on VHS back in the day. It was the first time I can recall I saw a naked woman on TV. Thanks, Tobe.

I’m sure we can Run All Night with this

Is “mastermind” the right word here?

Maybe they were laughing because they thought it was a terrible movie?