
No record, no mugshot, no criminal past, legally permitted weapon, complete cooperation, all on video.

Ugh, I used to love Sanders, but I think he’s being such a shit little white man and saying that Hillary basically has to adopt all of HIS policy platforms before he’ll endorse her. Ummm, bro, Hillary is way more qualified than you are to be President and just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she can’t have her own

Epic!And that’s xhy people like her or other, just don’t care!They’re mediocre at best and they just keep on winning.

In visual form, and with an equivalent shrug:


She is a tall, statuesque woman who can probably pull off all kinds of things someone more petite can't. And with that amazing skin tone and her crazy funny personality? You'd think designers would be jumping to offer up something out-of-the-box for her.

Oh I CANNOT WAIT to see how incredible she will look on that red carpet!

Christian will make her look even more flawless than she already looks, because she always looks beautiful and chic in her outfits.

If it got your infant into such a state that she would need to go to the ER, I would expect it to make news.

I’m going to say yes-in that it’s a narcotic. And drinking to excess isn’t advisable while breastfeeding either. People drinking responsibly are able to control their milk supply/safety but if someone was binge drinking on a regular basis while breast feeding-it would also be considered abusive and wildly

Seriously. If you haven’t learned to keep pumped reserves on hand before doing douchey drugs with the first kid, the second one is going to be completely fucked. Smarten up.

Not something I’m putting into my google search history.

You know, there’s all kinds of situations where a child is taken away from their parents for reasons that are questionable or seemingly unnecessary.

This is not one of those times. Seriously, get that baby out of there. These people need help.

Yeah, totally understand. The terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but in this case Israeli-Palestinian would have been better phrasing - it’s been changed!

I like the interview but I’d like to object to the term “Israeli-Arab”, which erases our identities as Palestinians. She says Israeli-Palestinian, which is great, but you said Israeli-Arab in your question so I just thought I’d point that out, hopefully in a way that doesn’t devolve into an internet comment war about

I took a class with Professor Pogge at Columbia in the late 80's. I was a Barnard student, and he "joked" that all the Barnard students would drop his class within two weeks, the idea being that we were dumber than Columbia students. His teaching sucked. I got my first migraine in that class from stress. Luckily my

Absolutely. Sanders has never been the selfless deity his supporters wanted to beleive him to be. He's an ego driven political animal who wants to win because he wants to win. He always has been.

A million stars for this. No, a gazillion stars. You are right. This isn't the will of the people, this is ego and a career politician doing whatever it takes to keep his name in the press.

I was having a debate in step with this the other night. My main point is that it’s troubling that Sanders is continuing a campaign supposedly to exercise the will of the people, but the people have spoken and they didn’t pick him. To continue on with this just shows he’s not really that different from every other old

Oh I don’t know.