
Good lord. Are you really that blind to your own coverage of Clinton during the primaries? I mean, really.

He is on a show where most of the time he is clothed and women on the show are naked. There are tons of female actresses on the show that don’t have lines and are naked for a whole scene.

Here’s an idea. Don’t confuse objectification and sexism.

The lesson is that everyone has it worse than white dudes ... so they should shut up about inequality.

hey kit harington:

hey white guys:

Jesus you use a lot of commas.

Finally someone has done the right thing.

As if those children were ever going to vote.

This is from a few minutes after the endorsement. I’m sure it’s much worse now.

The level of vitriol already being thrown at her on Twitter by people in the Sanders camp calling her a traitor, immoral, corrupt, etc. is beyond. They really don’t give a shit. They’re treating this election like it’s a fucking football game.

“[Trump is a] loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and who serves no one but himself,” she told the audience.

I love every woman this article is written about. GET READY TO GET REKT TRUMP.

Bethenny is so endlessly fascinated with herself. She’s brittle and snide and so self righteous. I can’t detract from her success but her whine has turned to vinegar. Carole is living proof that familiarity can breed contempt. A little went a long way when she seemed like a smart, savvy, sharp witted “Carrie”

Bethenny has lost me completely. She has become screechy and humorless, and I am so sick of her self-righteous rants that I actually found myself yelling, “shut the fuck up already” at my TV last night. As for Carole, she has become the human embodiment of Eeyore cloaked in an array of Forever XXI sweaters.

And the 80's were one long love letter to Winona. Glad she’s back. I honestly got teary when she appeared in Black Swan.

YAASSS so MUCH! I’ve been hoping to see fantastic Winona again for ages and this looks awesome!! Yay!!!