
Lionel Shriver has the problem most privileged people have with this concept. She had the right to culturally appropriate anything she wants. She has the right to write a character from a different background, no matter how offensive people of that background might see the character. She has the right to give this

I’ll always love Bob Dylan, not least of all because my parents (still married) played ‘It Ain’t Me Babe’ at their wedding.

Well Gawker is done and Jezebel lives so sexism is over, right? I mean, Gawker commentaries are totally taking this well and not spewing hatred towards Jezebel and if they are upset, they are certainly being even towards their pettiness with all the sites, not just Jezebel. Right?

Translation: I said what I said. I meant what I said. I regret going down in the polls. Here’s a hanky. Now you whiny fuckers need to get over it.

So you’re cool with George Zimmerman then? Cause he wasn’t convicted either.

For people who say, ‘BUT...he wasn’t convicted...’ - then I’ll ask you - do you give the same amount of clearance to the police officers not convicted of killing Freddie Gray and Michael Brown and others? Are you okay with George Zimmerman because he didn’t get convicted? Because I think the evidence is pretty clear

Wow, for once a rapist (the transcript of the phone wiped any doubt away for me) and not just the victim has the rape affect his life past that one night. I wish every rapist’s life was affected similarly.

Because of Trump’s campaign to gaslight America (hugely successful so far!), I feel like everything I read might be reversed two posts later so when I read this my initial thought was, I bet Biles really won and just have to wait a couple minutes. Dammit.

This comment is perfection.

Did you hear that, Selena? She said best friend. Gauntlet thrown.

Anyone ever see Ruby in Paradise? I loved that movie so much and am realizing it’s been forever since I saw it.

One commenter just asked me for a full citation to prove Clinton wants to overturn Citizens United. It took me two seconds to google and I replied with the link. But if I hadn’t, the person couldn’t have taken the two seconds to look it up themselves and would still be convinced Clinton didn’t say anything about it.

I know you’re voting for her, and maybe that’s the most important thing in the long run. But I read your comment and felt sad that you don’t feel excited at all and I’m sure that’s a reflection of how a lot of Democrats are feeling right now. I don’t see her as a perfect candidate, but I never see any candidate I vote

Would it make you excited to vote for her knowing you’ll be voting for someone who will make liberal appointments to the Supreme Court (possibly even more liberal than Garland), will fight to overturn Citizens United, will work for comprehensive immigration reform, actually believes in climate change and the need to

Thanks for putting the idea out there!

Does anyone else feel weird to be reading or writing about things other than police brutality? It’s understandable because if all you read about was the anger and pain people feel, you’d likely want to crawl into a hole all day. And then there’s the part that’s almost numb at this point. But on twitter I tried to get

The NRA is for angry white men and only angry white men (with some exceptions). White women who don’t kill angry white men can have some guns too, especially if they use them over dead animals in cute photo-ops. Also, white children can have ones as long as they don’t kill the angry white men. But if they do by

I’m sure it did feel empowering with her to be working with Woody Allen. I’m sure it felt empowering to her when she couldn’t act but wascast as the lead in Gossip Girl anyway. Just like it felt empowering when she had no idea how to run a website but got investors and coverage in Vogue and when her website went belly