
I’m honestly not worried when one poll comes out with numbers like this. If it’s five polls with similar numbers, I’ll start getting panicky. Still, it’d be nice if Sanders realized that saying he’ll do everything he can to help stop Trump from getting elected should include say, mentioning Clinton’s name every once

There is a bright pink outfit in that photo and she is still stealing it.

Misjudging how long cocaine was going to stay in her system and breast feeding her baby anyway was bad enough. But the thing that should 100% take their rights as parents away is the fact they didn’t fess up at the hospital to cocaine being the issue. You know, that thing doctors actually need to know - the WHY is

I loved reading this so much. Michael is amazing. Support of a country shouldn’t automatically equal support of its current government. I certainly didn’t want the Bush years to represent me, and Israel’s current right wing government doesn’t represent all Israelis. I hope the tide will turn sooner than the young

Dear all victims of domestic abuse, please be on notice:

YAY!!! I am home today because my poor son is sick. Out loud I’m saying I feel bad that he’s missing his pre-school graduation but inside it’s killing me I can’t vote. Luckily I think she’ll win NJ handily.

I’ve been a huge Hillary supporter from the beginning, and I think she will make an incredibly effective president, but I also have a lot of admiration for what Obama has been able to accomplish. He pulled this country back from the brink of despair financially with what Bush pushed us into, passed health care reform,

Thank you for being a consistent, loud and proud supporter of her on this site. I think many Bernie supporters have been in denial for so long because their voices are incredibly louder online whereas many Hillary supporters just didn’t want to engage and get the blowback. And I truly have respect for the amount of

For a while there I wondered if I was being gas lighted, seeing how much vitriol and contempt there was towards Hillary from Bernie supporters. For some it wasn’t vitriol but a completely reasonable case of ‘I think my candidate is just better,’ but the majority of what I was reading (or maybe the majority of what I

“I could name off 5 others that I wouldn’t be surprised about.”

What was up with Carol pretending she thought Luann was a man and even calling her ‘LuMan’? I used to like Carol but she’s showing herself to be kind of an asshole.

He thought it was fine saying those things about Keira Knightly because the people he hangs out with, in the business he operates in, talks about women and people of color that way every day with impunity. So when he got blowback about it and realized his words were heard by people not full of white bro privilege, he

He does take after Sarah Palin in many ways so I wouldn’t put it past him.

Man, he’s going to be so pissed if he loses. I mean, the money he’s spent on his campaign was worthwhile because those egos don’t feed themselves! But this, this money is going to OTHER people. Sad.

Dear Peter Thiel, this is the kind of person you want to bankroll in order to fight the big bads.

The reason I feel that comparing Trump to Hitler is fair isn’t because he wants to do the exact same thing Hitler did to Jews, Gypsies and Homosexuals instead to Mexicans and Muslims. It’s the fact that people thought what happened in Germany could never happen and so-called rational people would never let themselves

FWIW, I am pissed at Obama for that and am heartened that both Sanders and Clinton have spoken out against his actions. Hopefully they’ll both continue with to be against those policies no matter where they land politically.

Maybe we should elect a guy like Warren Jeff who loves women SO MUCH he can’t stop marrying them. I mean guys like Warren love women SO MUCH they can’t even wait for them to be legally defined as ‘women’ and marry them when they’re under 18. Or maybe we should elect a guy like Marco Rubio who loves women SO MUCH he

This Hitler 2.0 is coming for women’s rights before the rights of Jews so voting for a woman this time would actually be the more symbolic way to oppose him.