
Trump supporters are either so outwardly racist they’re fine with him being compared to Hitler or they’re inwardly racist and will accuse any critics of unfairly attacking him. But if you’re not a Trump supporter, this is fucking real. There’s no ‘maybe he won’t be so bad.’ He will be because he’s already told us.

I loved The Daily Show when he was on it. I loved his humor and wit and biting commentary. I hated seeing basically only all white men behind him every time he accepted an Emmy. I hated how he just shrugged off the problem with his show’s lack of diversity. I’m not surprised this was his response.

Heidi, I no longer feel sorry for you for getting hit in the face by your husband on national television when everyone was laughing their asses off.

I agree with everything except about Kathy Wakili’s husband staying under the radar and no I’m not going to say his name because if you say it three times he’ll come back on the show. What an incredible combination of conceit, arrogance and overall grossness that man was. Blegh.

That’s a photo of a bikini clad Marla Maples underneath the newspaper.

It’s nice to hear him have some perspective but I imagine the response will similarly be positive from others while Katherine Heigl still gets maligned for saying Knocked Up was sexist as though she dare sound ungrateful for criticizing a movie she was in. Somehow I don’t think Rogen will be seen as ungrateful here,

1) This sucks. 2) I think part of it also has to do with who Herr is imagining the audience to be. Based on the subject matter, she’s probably envisioning young, white women. And in envisioning young, white women, she’s thinking of women who want to be sold something by someone they aspire to be like - a talented

Your theory is that Rachel Roy couldn’t have been bullied because she isn’t less powerful than all the Beyonce fans coming after her. Maybe if it was one or two, sure. But when you have hundreds, possibly thousands of her fans coming after one person, guess what - they’re the ones who are more powerful. Right now,

I have a favorite website. It’s always been great. Started a little shaky at first, but still miles ahead of the other websites, especially ones targeted at women. Cause my favorite website is all about the women and the women issues. Some of the brilliant editors and writers left, for bigger and better things. But

I believe her since her campaign staff has been the most diverse, even before the media shone a spotlight on it.

I feel like I’m missing something. In any other business, if your co-worker gets a promotion or new position you just have to deal with it and keep going to work. Unless you decide you’re so mad about it and quit and then look for other work. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. Maybe her bosses could have handled it

Closing the account and giving a reason wouldn’t have been shade. Closing the account and giving no reason was the perfect amount of shade.

The 2005 law Sanders voted for (and Clinton voted against), gave gun manufacturers immunity from claims of negligence and even some claims against the designs of the gun. Tobacco manufacturers are not protected from negligence or any faulty design of cigarettes.

See my response to Texas. My point wasn’t that gun manufacturers sell directly to kids, it’s that they knowingly market aggressively to people who shouldn’t have guns. This article might help:…

Sorry, I didn’t realize you’d think I meant the analogy of knife manufacturers targeting sales to kids would mean gun manufacturers target sales kids in the vicinity of schools. My point was that gun manufacturers target sales to people in general they aren’t supposed to - such as buyers from states with strict

Actually, I’m not wrong. If knife manufacturers aggressively tried to sell their knives to underage children in the vicinities of schools and those kid buyers then harmed someone with the knives, the knife manufacturer would be liable. Knives are legal, the manufacturer didn’t hard the victims, but it would be

For people who feel gun manufacturers should be held to the same standard as tobacco companies were, he’s not the politician they need. But that’s one issue out of many, and I’d be happy to vote for him in the general election. Your top issues aren’t going to be the same as other people’s - it doesn’t mean they’re

As part of the 3% of Jewish Americans, it would feel nice to have the first Jewish president in my lifetime. As part of the 51% female population, it would be shameful not to have the first female president in my lifetime.

I read this twice and need to read it more. I really hope the Jez writers read and absorb it but I’m not sure they’re capable of taking any criticism. They’ve gotten really good at gas-lighting though.

Awesome gas-lighting.