
I am not blaming her directly for this, because that isn’t right I would be pilloried but she really was promiscuous, and Brock should be allowed to teach that course on female promiscuity and drinking and how it leads to all sorts of bad things for the men involved.

The people around him sound like the affluenza kid’s parents. The way this girl talks is like the old timely rape laws that required a victim to demonstrate that she resisted (so an inebriated victim was never considered a real victim.)

I am not blaming her directly for this, because that isn’t right.

Does she honestly think it makes a lick of difference to rape survivers if the person who assaulted them was “nice” to other people?!?

What the hell is wrong with every person in convicted rapist, Brock Turner’s life?

“Rape on campuses isn’t always because people are rapists.”

I’d guess local news is normally happy to roll over, especially if not doing so might hurt their relationship with important subjects. But apparently his handler didn’t realize that now that he’s resigned as president, Ken Starr is not important, and it’s in Baylor’s interest to shift blame to the people who have

Did Spaeth honestly think that the station would just ignore the first two answers and go with the third answer? Didn’t either of them see the red light on the camera through all this and realize, “Oh crap, we’re so screwed?”

Ken Starr’s world:

Bravo to KWTX!

My absolute favorite part of the show:

"The only thing worse than trout mouth is trout snatch."

Luann using and mispronouncing the word “schtooping”

The hat Sonja wears to get her vag redone.

Luann’s “aw” face after Dorinda loses it

No! It's so sad when a contract expires.

A million stars for you

I suspect someone made it abundantly clear that he was replaceable since Ms Knightly or her supporters wouldn’t be too keen to work with him again. So he makes his unconditional apology in public whilst groveling to keep his job behind closed doors.

This is this is this. This.