
“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”

—Like I said, she’ll be fine, and he’s nakedly pathetic. No problems there. But watch for this the next time it happens. Be aware of the woman who’s being made into a stepstool for someone’s ego and self-esteem just because she happens to be in the eyeline of someone so desperately fragile.—

I am personally offended by this guy because Keira Knightley is my Imaginary BFF, and how dare he insult her? All those feelings you people have about Jennifer Lawrence? I have them for Keira Knightley instead.

When I was in high school, a girl in my freshman gym class was married. Apparently her mother had found out that she was sleeping with some 20something dude the summer before high school started and insisted that they get married or she’d have him arrested. The girl seemed cool with it at the time, and we were all in

We are so overdue for a plague

I’m still about 50/50 that when he gets to the podium to formally accept the GOP nomination at the convention, he’ll just say “fuck it” and walk off the stage. I really, truly believe that this can happen in real life.

What would happen if he quit mid-campaign? I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility.

It’s like when you’re 12 and your mom told you to clean your room before she got home from work. You obviously spend all day not doing it and then spring to frantic action shoving all your crap in your closet the second you hear your garage door open.

Shit, this breaks my heart.

It’s telling how the woman in her mid-20ies is a homewrecker, while the poor, naive man twice her age and life experience was just an easy mark to exploit and blackmail.

I thoroughly believe that Amber didn’t make a single friend/ally of anyone in his life. She may have actively alienated everyone in his circle. But she knew that. She probably knew that she wouldn’t be believed, predicted this reaction and is still standing up. For a quick payout? Why go public so soon in that case?

I'm sure they are objective volunteer security guards.

Security guards on the Depp payroll, I'm assuming. Okay.

Yup. A friend of mine met him because her mother was the president of his oldest fan club, back in the day. He flew their whole family out to one of the Pirates sets and gave them all generous gifts, and was very kind. Another friend of mine is related to the side of Depp’s family that he apparently never talks to,

Cool, so the security guard assaulted himself, the hotel room trashed itself, Winona Ryder misremembered things to Natalie Portman, Kate Moss ripped up photos of herself in a fit of jealousy, all those beers drank themselves and then went on television and drunkenly stumbled through that speech, the car drove itself

That young lady is a tearing beauty.

False. Hollywood reboots movies that absolutely do not need them all the time (and most of the time the trailers for those projects look like shit too). I can’t think of a single reboot that has attracted anywhere NEAR the level of vitriol as the Ghostbusters reboot. There’s almost nothing different from Ghostbusters

Well, shit, if those people tell you they don’t care they are women, well, it must be true. Anyone truly sexist would surely come right out and say so when confronted!

If someone told me that something I made when they were already adults ruined their childhood, I’d probably have to stop myself from telling them that if that’s all it took to ruin their childhood, it wasn’t much of a childhood to begin with.