
She believes in the almighty dollar - her fake brand of spirituality is designed to separate the gullible from theirs.

This woman is an investment manager at Goldman Sachs! And she believes in the power of prayer! Would I let a company where people believe in the power of prayer to manage my investments?

These people truly believe that they compelled by God to establish an American Christian theocracy. It’s batshit and terrifying.


Meghan Trainor said that Jennifer Lopez had no idea that Dr.Luke was part of the project and thought that Meghan wrote the song all by herself.

Also can we talk about Gawker’s weirdly nasty dig at Hillary Clinton yesterday for that tweet, which was especially nearsighted because the author had literally one post earlier said “Using the phrase ‘know your place’ when referring to a woman is almost unequivocally inappropriate” and that post reeked of “know your

The terror of single motherhood is a big reason I stayed in my emotionally abusive marriage. I felt inadequate to care for my daughter with a partner; how would I manage on my own?

Hi Dan—

I bet Obama gives great hugs.

Pat cannot use public restrooms in North Carolina without being arrested.

A new Bae has come.

Seth Woken

I remember during the Clinton administration when the gop loved to make fun of her for not being feminine enough.

Given that by merely existing as woman is tantamount to playing the Woman Card, an invalid and taboo political strategy (as opposed to playing the Man Offended By The Woman Card Card, Trump’s current strategy), the only potential candidate who is not so ostentatiously female as Hillary Clinton is SNL’s Pat.

“she should meet his insults with a cheery silence”

“Too female?”

i think Clinton should really just have Sam Bee’s team photoshop her and plaster it everywhere. FOOL PROOF WIN STRATEGY!

internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug

Goodbye. I have perished from the stupidity of this article. I’ve loved you all.