
Carly lost this election twice.

fellow receiver of EMDR for trauma/therapy and I echo this times 1000.

That seems to be what the piece suggests - a “person to whom things happen.” That’s how I see myself. I am a person who has been raped. I am a person who has been stalked. I am a person who has scars from being attacked by strangers on the street. I am not a victim nor a survivor. I am a person who’s had a bunch of

a cool thing about doing EMDR/ truama therapy is that i feel like i’m no longer a victim or a survivor. it’s like a thing that happened that i no longer have any connection to

I think death threats and coming after your children counts as at least bullying. Roy may not be a good or smart person but no one deserves that. I guess we need a new word, if bullying and abuse won't do?

In this context, I think Schumer being female and the aggressor being male are essential components of him treating her as a commodity. Male celebs are also subjected to invasive and unwanted attention, but this “I/we paid for you [so I can do anything I want to you even if you say ‘no’]” sounds like a john thinking

Now playing

Yes, because it is about consent and ignoring the refusal thereof.

OP said camera lenses can be male-gazey. This is a perfect application of OP’s statement. If going into someone’s face to shoot them against their will isn’t male-gazey-rapeish, I don’t know what is.

I don’t understand that mindset at all. Are celebrities not allowed to be off the clock? If someone started harrassing me on my day off to put together some spreadsheets I might even become violent

Plus I doubt he'd ever dare say the same thing to any male comedian.

He said “we paid for you” and also didn’t respond to her “stop” and “no.” Maybe it sounds very radical fem but camera lens can be male gazey and with the non consent here this feels kind of rapey (no, that doesn’t undermine actual rape...this is a different degree but in my understanding there is a spectrum of

Ever think about how it’s 2016 and we still can’t shake the belief that people are a commodity?

no it’s America and we paid for you

Meh... I’m not even an Amy Schumer fan but let his life be destroyed *online*. “We paid for you” has to be the smarmiest phrase ever uttered while violating someone.

Dude, you paid for a movie ticket/cable and received a movie/tv show. End of contract.

He looks prettier than Shia

I think this is a pretty classy move that doesn’t deserve snark.

That never stopped anyone in the Bible.

aaa ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa its good to be an Atheist. Not that I ever read the Bible as a scifi book.

Yep, and the article actually says there's nothing wrong with her skimpy costume because "adults can dress how they want." But the old Starfire had emotions and relationships and action and stuff, not just a sexiness that consumed her entire personality.