
They way they demonize her sounds exactly like right-wingers. It’s scary how alike they are.

If Bernie cared about women having equal opportunity and equal pay, then why wouldn’t there have been plenty of women employees he had a history with from his time as a senator? And why are you implying he couldn’t possibly find women with great experience and skills?

How is it an oversight? You either make an effort to be inclusive or you decide that’s not important to you.

  • Hillary Clinton’s campaign is also fairly equitable, with male and female staffers making essentially the same amount of money.

He really likes a certain type of female lead.

He says what everyone wants to hear without realistic plans to implement them. So when he actually has a chance to implement something progressive, like equal pay and positions for men and women, why would he expect supporters to pay attention to the details when he doesn’t need to?

Wait until you find out how many people of color are on his staff compared to Hillary’s.

I am so shocked this article wasn’t written by Sam Biddle or Hamilton Nolan for Gawker.

Are you kidding? Are you just guessing it’s pro-Hillary because it’s run by a woman? It’s been a shill for Sanders from the beginning.

Sometimes I wonder how Trump supporters, many of whom are far from uneducated, could so blindly believe what he says about himself and about others. And then I see Bernie supporters, many of whom are far from uneducated, blindly believe 20 years of Republican smears against Hillary.

I cannot believe there’s an actual pro-Hillary, without caveats the whole way through, post on Jezebel. If I see one on Gawker I’ll know it’s because the writers think Bollea might win and figure why the hell not.

I have no hate for her. She had an incredible run on a mega series, kept it going with a profitable movie career and now is in a position to seek financing for movies that she wants and that she likely wasn’t being offered. She doesn’t make a huge hullabaloo about her charity work for St. Jude’s, never said something

He can finally live what he writes about.

Ladies, if you could just take a couple moments to think, really think, about how your accusations are going to affect the lives of the accused, you’ll realize that their actions are not worthy of lifelong condemnation. Yes, their actions might have irrevocably affected YOUR lives, but given how often women are

I have a friend (white) who wrote a whole picture book, with illustrations and everything, about a Native American folk tale. I told him to contact a Native American professor who speaks out regularly about appropriation to make sure he wasn’t being offensive. She charged him a nominal amount for her time and told him

Honestly, folks. Give the experienced politician here a break. He didn’t mean ghetto as a negative representation of African-Americans. He meant it solely to describe the places he doesn’t want to bother campaigning because those people are obviously brainwashed. He DID NOT mean the nice, upper-class African

I want less “I’m still quite obsessed with you” songs and more

Good for her. I wonder if the defense used the same arguments Gawker is using right now in Florida.

I’m gonna go ahead and skip this movie based on the title alone.

I wonder how much energy the three women justices have to expend just to not roll their eyes everytime Alito speaks. Because if it was me, I’d be exhausted by midday.