
Because when Sanders promises free college and economic equality without his supporters previously laying the groundwork by voting in local and state elections to vote in enough politicians to bring about an actual revolution, Clinton supporters see what the reality will actually be. Clinton isn’t promising unicorns.

Uzo Aduba gets a lot of love from this site (rightly so), but her endorsement of Clinton gets crickets? Wonder why that would be.

It’s not a perfect analogy, but I feel like Bernie supporters are like the people who hired Colbert for the late show. They knew there was a qualified woman out there to host, but they went for the white guy because Stephen Colbert is great (no snark, he really is) and they just felt he’d be the best for the job. And

Sanders is a great candidate for men and women, and women should feel pride in voting for him if he’s their favorite candidate. I cringed when I heard what Steinem said and it’s not okay. But two things: