
As do I.

A cursory listen of M.I.A.'s new—and possibly final—album suggests it may be little more than a contractual obligation. It's disconcerting to hear M.I.A. sound so listless and dispirited on many of these new tracks. I think the hostile reception of Maya and the underperformance of Matangi took a toll on M.I.A., and

haha Thanks. I didn't mean to post it twice. I thought the first comment had deleted itself.

For the last few months, I have purposely refrained from commenting publicly on Ferguson until now. But as a Missouri native, I cannot help but be affected by all that has transpired up to this point. At the risk of being misunderstood and attacked, I believe that precious little has been learned in the aftermath of

Thank you. "All Falls Down" is a leftover track from the Nine Types of Light sessions, so that may account for why it's not discussed much.

Speaking of "laziness," clearly you didn't scroll down far enough to see my later comments… But thanks for playing.

There's a joke in here somewhere.

Basically. There's usually more action going on here than there. *shrugs*

I believe any opinion, whether it's positive or negative, needs to be well-supported. I don't think the writer of this piece accomplishes that here. I can definitely respect a differing opinion, sure, but I would appreciate something that is explained well and thoroughly. To me, this review comes off as lazy and,

I see what you're saying, but that's not the same as saying it's a pop album. That's a roundabout implication, perhaps, but it's not direct enough. Because pop isn't the only genre that yields singles, much less chart hits.

Who cares? Any decent and respectable writer. Obviously.
Divisive or not, this writer is no position to reward or deny with work that is so underwritten.

I know the inevitable debate on the merit of Nine Types of Light is coming based on the interactions I've had on this site, and I'm throwing the gauntlet down.

Yes, while that's true, I'm also sensing that you're just plain wrong.

It's not.

I wish writers would do more research before composing reviews on music they have limited knowledge of. I also wish writers would be more mindful of intent and context before composing these reviews. Why do you ignore the simple fact that, with Seeds, TV On The Radio deliberately set out to make a pop album? Who's to

No it isn't. Perhaps you should listen to THAT album a few more times.

I didn't ask you what you thought my "best post" was.

I happen to believe M.I.A'.s politics are grounded in truth but are exaggerated for entertainment purposes. She is, after all, a pop star. What she's doing really isn't any different from what other rappers do when they boast about selling drugs or gun violence.

A lot of Prince's songs are about sex, but a lot of them are NOT. Especially as he got older and his religious beliefs changed.

They'll say that because they're only familiar with Prince's hits, much like you.