
yes, CPU-Z will do the trick

I use an FTP server for a boot server for IP phone configurations. I also have a personal FTP server that I used to use for transferring personal files, but I really have no use for it anymore.

... meant to reply to deathTheKid

WE'RE ALREADY PAYING FOR THEM WITH THESE STUPID CASH GRAB CELL PHONE TICKETS!! Yes, I said it, they're cash grabs ... like I said, if it was as serious an issue as they make it out to be, the police would be following it too. They're not some special type of super-humans that are unaffected by distractions. And so if

well I'm running Chrome 18.0.1025.151 and it's annoying as HELL! LH, fix the damn problem. I would rather have a functional website than pretty transitions.

yes, the lillangen sink & cabinet is $228, but it's the damn faucet that always breaks the budget. The Grundtal faucet used is $90, so thats a total of about $320 for what you're suggesting.

wow.... do you live in a world where after something is posted on a blog, it suddenly disappears from the internet a few days later? I was linked to this post from another page and I had not seen the post before. Sorry I don't sit in front of LH every second of the day scanning new posts as they come out.

There are also lots of ways to make cop cars safer... voice control... cameras that take pictures of license plates and computer programs that analyze them. If they're going to enforce a law that they believe in, they should set the right example. If they don't believe it, then don't enforce it. No one is gonna say

no it's the cops I have issues with too, bc they blindly enforce the no cellphone law on citizens and blatantly endanger other drivers doing exactly what we cannot do, bc politicians say its ok. If police officers really gave a sh*t, they'd stop doing it themselves or at least pull over to use their "devices", instead

What veovis said... if you needed to plug in you device and send some obscure commands to the device through terminal, I'd understand your statement. But short of having an option in the Settings panel (which would actually be USELESS if you couldn't get to your home screen), this is as much in the UI as possible. A

ok unrelated... anyone else notice how crapily LH renders in chrome!?!?! Is this a known issue? When I switch between pages, Chrome frequently chokes in the middle of the page transitions and nothing is clickable until I refresh the page. WTF

I wasn't trying to convince you, I was venting and also posing a question of what I can do to put these officers in their place?

VOTE: Plantronics Voyager Pro

huh? what do you call songs released by a band? A CD?? Because well, where's the CD player feature hidden?

if you're using voice control, i'm pretty sure its allowed

OHHHH. Now you got me started!!!! Since using a "device" in a car (without Bluetooth) has become illegal in Ontario, Canada, I've seen countless... COUNTLESS law enforcement officers and paramedics blatantly violating it in plain site. Where are the repercussions??!!!!

this!! Motivation is key. "If you're not willing to work longer, then maybe you don't really want to work here" is definitely NOT motivation!

Well if you actually read my comment, you'd see that I wasn't giving advice, I was explaining how I work. Btw, in Canada, if your credit card is stolen or your debit card is compromised and you're actually innocent, 99% of the time the bank will refund your money after a short investigation.

You beat me to it. I always start with RSTLNE and that helps me the majority of the time

I would think that Chrome's Prerendering would greatly affect the battery life of a device.