
As a web developer who frequently jumps between all browsers on a daily basis (including IE8, 9, 10), I can honestly say that CptAwesome is dead on. Not only is IE an awful browser that doesn't give a sh*t about standards (mind you IE10 should change that), but it's layout and UI is not efficient in any way. It's a

You have to wear a battery backpack

As i said, I've never found a reverse phone number lookup that worked on cell phones. It usually MIGHT return the city or province/state, but thats it

How you relate not having brakes on a car, something that can KILL YOU and others, with a virus on a computer is beyond me. That is, unless computer viruses have somehow found a way to attack humans (Johnny Mnemonic anyone?)

Those annual nag screens from Avast are annoying bc for the non-teksavvy users that I used to install it for, they had no idea what to do with them and ended up calling me anyway. No matter how easy they make it, it's always going to scare a computer illiterate when their AV pops up some message, regardless if it's

Yes the yellow lined paper theme is a bit much, but you can change the font in Settings > Notes. You have an option of 3 fonts: Marker Felt, Noteworthy (which is the default), or Helvetica, which is a plain sans serif font. I'll admit, the first two fonts are pretty ugly, but Helvetica is clean and simple.

I've tested it and if it's facing down in your pocket, it will still turn airplane mode on, even with the lowest sensitivity.

Just tested the app and it doesn't differentiate from on a table and in my pocket. For example, I put the phone in my pocket and sat down in a chair (with my thighs parallel to the ground and the phone face down). In that position, the phone went into airplane mode. Also note that I had it at 90% sensitivity (which is

Would be nice if this app had more options. If it's able to put the phone in airplane mode on face down, then it can do a lot of other things, ike JUST disable the ringer, or disable wifi. Airplane mode is a little much because it will cut out everything and it takes a lot time to find signal again.

been looking for a similar app like Tasker for ios for AGES. That was the ONLY downside I saw when I switched from android to ios.

simple... don't use this app.

If you want the IR adapter linked to in this thread, deal extreme has the exact same one for about $7 cheaper and free shipping []

Um am I missing something? The built-in Notes app does the same thing. Well, the built-in app is unlike Pop in that you can create an infinite amount of notes, but really, when people jot down notes (if they do it often), they usually have a notebook (keyword "book").

Sorry rmcrowley2000, your *entire* comment has been nullified due to simple fact that you attempted to use the Metro UI as a benefit of Windows 8. I read this comment on a post elsewhere about the new Windows 8 UI and I couldn't have said it better myself:

For those of you looking for a FREE (albeit, a little limited) alternative to DisplayFusion, check out Actual Multiple Monitors Free []. It's actually one of the best free apps that I've found that will add a GOOD LOOKING taskbar to the second monitor.

With a title containing "Get a Better Windows Now", I'm surprised no one has said "switch to osx or linux" lol.

ORR... if you don't want to spend $20 on a friggen nail clipper, wrap some tape around your existing nail clipper

Personally I use nothing and haven't been infected in years despite the fact that I often use questionable executables. It's a combination of common sense and a good browser. Every once in a while, I'll do a quick scan with MalwareBytes, but aside from some misc cookies, I've never discovered anything major lurking on

If you've jailbroken, SBSettings makes turning many of these things on/off a breeze. Its a matter of swiping the status bar and tapping a Wifi or Bluetooth.

I know ppl don't want to here yet another solution for burns, but my mother-in-law uses baking soda to relieve pain from burns and speed up the healing. It actually does work as I've tried it before. First as everyone says, run the burn under some cool water and then pat some baking soda on it and wrap it with a paper