this is actually a really good idea if you can get past the "HotPrints using 'contextual' data from Facebook to target some ads at you" part.
this is actually a really good idea if you can get past the "HotPrints using 'contextual' data from Facebook to target some ads at you" part.
.... until the source you get your meat from has afreak E. coli breakout....
this is kind of pointless because everything reappears as soon as you move your mouse... who doesn't move their mouse when on a webpage?
@witeowl: um... malware is doing something that the user did not ask for without the user's knowledge.
I know this is for Windows XP... but in Windows 7, this can be done without extra software using Default Programs in the control panel. Probably the same in Vista as well.
@Jason Fitzpatrick: it's not about whether your ipod blew up or not. It's about if the program is good enough that YOU would use it as a replacement to iTunes.
excellent article! I'm surprised (although glad) LH didn't name this "An Exhaustive Guide to Saving Your iPhone's Battery"
thanks for the instructables link, but it's still too complicated to make. I can do everything except make the boards, which is the the bulk of the project. Anyone know where I can get the board made cheaply?
@Jason: not so much a hive five on thumb drive suites, but maybe portable app managers
@ShevantiBeaver: works for me too ... ?
@Posco Grubb: i was about to say the same thing haha
@Zombie Ms. Skittles: This is your boss... get back to work or you're fired!
@kettlewhistle: ok I'm gonna throw a guess out there... you're a young 20 or 30-something guy... working on a mac laptop... in a local starbucks, with your iPhone sitting on the table? right? Am I good or what?
this took way too long... but finally its here!
None of these backgrounds are really that nice. They remind me of an amateur background site I go to. Pretty sub-par, especially coming from Apple. I know apple didn't *make* these background, but they selected them. Not impressed.
@PinoMed?n: Sorry to inform you, but you own a mac... you're far from unique. Get over it and stop trying so hard.
@atomicrabbit: Also, to add to the bagel spindle thing. Often when I make bagel sandwiches, the contents often cover the hole of the bagel. So i'd either have to puncture through the contents, or cut the center pole of the spindle off.
I dunno if it's just me, but I don't think the plastic in the CD spindle is food grade. You should probably also mention that it's most likely not dishwasher or microwave safe.