@(Starman) AnalysisDialysis: It was a "three hours walk back to civilization". So I'm sure it wouldn't take 3 hours to ride back. After 2 hours, they were probably back and didn't need the bike anymore.
@(Starman) AnalysisDialysis: It was a "three hours walk back to civilization". So I'm sure it wouldn't take 3 hours to ride back. After 2 hours, they were probably back and didn't need the bike anymore.
wow... google app whore alert! lol just kidding... but seriously.
@EDALBNUG: what a cry baby. Y'know how many people have sex in the bed or the shower or the counter or floor, or the... well you get the point. I'm sure there are tons of dirty things that may not get cleaned in a hotel. Hell, they had a new report not to long about cups not even being cleaned in hotels, so wash…
something with picture flashcards would be great. To help teach things to my son :)
@danman6126: maybe because you want to open a file that doesn't open with the specific program by default.
most of these are pretty tacky
@USBhack: Well apparently it's ok for the cable companies. There are so many companies who resell tv services from the main/large companies for much less than the large compaanies sell directly to consumers for. So think about it. The large companies sell the service to smaller companies for a lower "reseller" price…
@LetMeSayThisAboutThat...: Double-Fail... thanks for clarifying what I posted in the second paragraph.
@nocurefordumb: FINALLY... a smart poster! Thanks nocurefordumb, for the informative post and solution.
i use:
@USBhack: I was not referring to you as brainless. Instead of blindly replying to this post, why don't you read my post I was referring to (near the top) to understand what I meant.
@USBhack: the company i work for is not selling the service, they are selling the product to another computer who will sell the service. And the set top box I'm working on IS a simple Linux box, so ... too late i guess.
@USBhack: read my post at the top for a partial response to that. Sorry, other (brainless) users were starting to piss me off so I wanted to address everyone, not just you.
all you people complaining about the cable post are sickening me.
@balls187: Well see I don't agree with wasting a technician's time (although it's not really wasting their time because they get paid regardless), but if you read my post above NoahLagicide's first post, you'll see what I do.
@veronykah: +1 I do this as well... Saves time in trying to peel the foil off. Comes off in one swift twist and pull
@USBhack: cheat the cable company? Did you not read my post. The cable companies are multi-million dollar companies. They're not stupid. YOU are stupid for paying huge amounts of money for a service that doesn't cost as much as you pay, and the cables companies KNOW that! If you were actually cheating them and…
@jsmuli2: so who do you say it to? the wall? Or do you ask a couple of friends to gather near a person's desk that doesn't like you and then you tell the joke? Sounds like too much work.
@North Star: you're being too technical. You missed the point.