
@jsmuli2: if they just smile, it's probably not that great a joke and they're just smiling to be polite.

I usually just call the cable company's Loyalty line directly instead of talking to the regular customer support people who usually don't know much and are just reading from a script.

@hank18: at least the author of the app realizes there are a ton of these out there

Sysinternals Process Explorer FTW.


is it just me, or does the term "chock full of.." bother anyone else??

man I need the room to be super cold before i can fall asleep!

all your comments are making me friggen hungry for oatmeal now. DAmnit!

@Reyn Yonashiro: so if someone beats you half to death, but they're nice about it, you'd be ok with it?

@blackcat77: if you notice, they surveyed various different americans, not just you, your 50 gamer buddies and the entire population of russian hackers.

if you isolate work, it looks like boobs!

@Bree L: +1 on the site being buggy.

@paintbox: no more than any other battery meter app.

an honest question:

looks like he's protecting himself from his own hands lol.

Re: Cutlery — my dad's an organizational freak. He always sorts the cutlery in the dishwasher.

"It's not you, it's us."

wow, we're moving more and more to dumb machines... hurray .... :\