
Nike a tay ina winnn

ena wokets wed gwayo

He got me at "the wocket's wed glare."

I am trying to pickle myself from the inside out. Does that count?

Also, according to some media sources, when the Imam told women to step back, hundreds of them went and carried her coffin, and led the funeral prayer themselves.

Our old dog died just over a year ago and we just adopted a giant ten month old behemoth over Valentine's Week. I can not describe how much fuller and bouncier and full of PUPPY! the house suddenly became... Everybody needs a puppy. Watching her gangle her way down the stairs with her too long legs, or carry all of

Losing them is the hardest thing. It takes me forever before I can even talk about them without crying. Hugs to you.

So many gingerrrrrrs. These are my fur puddles.

Best balls pic ever

If someone tries a dramatic proposal with me, I will say no, because that person will not know me at all. I get embarassed when they sing happy birthday to people at the next table in restaurants. Nope...Nope...Nope. Quiet proposal between two people is just fine. It doesn't have to be all romantic and mushy (also

Maybe this is going to be the subject matter of E.L James' next novel.

So right there with you. Also on my period, feeling awful physically and mentally. Freaked the fuck out because I'm moving in 11 days and I somehow have to fit my entire life into boxes between now and then and it seems too impossible to even contemplate. Plus my poor 15-year-old kitty is having health problems again,

This is why dogs are better than everything and everyone else.

Condolences. Losing a pet is the worst. :(

If only certain conservative talk shows did this. It would open up worlds of possibility: "ignorant blowhard," "chronic mansplainer," "anti-science idiot," etc. A girl can dream...

I'm PMSing and scared I'm going to get laid off and dreading Valentines Day and this dog is everything and oh god why I am crying

This is so wonderful and sad. We lost our chocolate lab very recently and I just so badly want to snuggle with one million puppies to try and feel a little better. If you need me, I'll be sobbing in the fetal position for the rest of the day.

Why do this? Attention and peer pressure, just like every other religion.