If you're on Chrome or Firefox, get Media Hint. It works a treat!
If you're on Chrome or Firefox, get Media Hint. It works a treat!
15 minutes? Well done you, I can only manage about 5.
Excellent, thank you!
Wasn't there a decorated chair on the table at one point?
She's no Ina or Nigella, to be sure, but it cheered me up no end to see someone on TV cooking at my skill-level (or possibly lower).
Yes, I wish they wouldn't include a link, those scumbags don't need the hits.
You are a true humanitarian ...
Oh god, I think I was more than halfway through that before I began to suspect that it might not be the real thing ...
I can't get the damn thing to start! :(
So, does this advice assume that the duvet/comforter has synthetic innards, not feathers? Can you wash feathers without them clumping??