The thought of this is delicious, but he will only withdraw further from the press, and only grant audience to sycophants. The witch hunt for leaks will be brutal, and our calls for transparency will go unanswered.
He isn’t losing his base. His base is merely losing its bravado.
If only that woman had properly disposed of that dirty diaper, Mykki Blanco would have been sitting next to an empty seat.
Well, her pitch is certainly optimistic, and the fact that she’s making it so publicly suggests that she’s going to be surprised when she discovers that they aren’t casting her.
It’s not a bug when it’s a deliberate, informed choice. By calling it a bug you’re saying they never sat in the car and noticed the visibility or headroom. Don’t be daft. You don’t like the compromises and call it a bad car. You’re missing the forest for the trees, willfully at this point. I denounce you.
The group is a joke if they won’t adopt the current rules. It’s been over five years. What kind of fucking pedants are they? Brad can have his sham.
You know the high beltline is a styling feature, not a bug, right? And doesn’t actually affect interior room. Banging your head getting into the backseat is something that happens in LOTS of sedans chasing the fastback look. The Chrysler 300 has a more formal roofline.
I quit going to meetings, and I shall not return as long as Brad insists on running them under RONR Tenth Edition.
Charger is last of the roomy rear-wheel-drive affordable sedans.
Forget the Wilton bag, just slather on a layer of frosting and then add props. It’s scrapbooking with food, anyone can do it :)
The cause of the atrocity is a company repeatedly saddled with corporate overlords only interested in dating Dodge’s hot sister.
It’s easy to rag on the age or deficiencies of the Charger and Challenger, but it’s enough that they still exist because nobody else in the industry even bothers with such machinery. And when they are gone, Jalopniks will mourn their passing.
You could send pics of delicious cupcakes decorated with tiny protesters holding 45 Sucks signs to him via Twitter and they’d probably have the same effect on him as eating them.
If SCOTUS doesn’t get gerrymandering sorted out quick, those fuckers are going to gain control of their thirty-eighth state legislature and then rewrite the Constitution.
Tying fees to revenue collected should be illegal. Fees should relate to cost.
He could piss on his base and tell them it’s raining and they’d put on raincoats and argue amongst themselves over whether it’s more Obama’s, Hillary’s, The Democrats’, The Liberal Elite’s, Chiyna’s, Radical Islamic Terrorists’, or Illegal Immigrants’ fault.
Just stop.
How is it that 45 doesn’t have a manservant to hold his talcum-powdered silk boxers as 45 steps into them? Or is that as far as the manservant is allowed to assist because 45 has to prove on a daily basis that he’s a big boy and can do the rest himself?
I try not to read much from general comments like that from filmmakers or anyone whose job is to get eyeballs on a property. The reason it’s a go-to comment is because it’s safe. It attracts most comic book fans and appeals to general audiences who make a face at the thought of watching films that are too “genre.”…