Tier 1 scientist and former auto writer here. I have hilarious tales of stupid OEMs. It‘s not just reades.
Tier 1 scientist and former auto writer here. I have hilarious tales of stupid OEMs. It‘s not just reades.
This makes me so happy. I envision next year‘s will be Slime Green. After that, we will get GoMango!
Discussing how to take advantage of things with my kids right now. They are in college and prime candidates for cheap new cars.
Also, Cooking Mama first....
Missing is the corruption scandal that has pissed off not just the OEMs, but the rank and file. Talk about union over workers or party over country or whatever.
I love Hyundai for this. They are not paying the VN team enough. Those people are equal parts insane and awesome.
Well-said, Kristen!
You win! But make it a FIAT order, technically.
This is utterly insane. Both of my deliveries started with contractions and 0 effacement. I was taken in no questions. In fact, the second one, I basically had one contraction and showed up, because there was high risk of a very very short labor, which I did have - less than 2 hours!
The automakers are indeed going a bit cowardly on this, but given GM’s position with the UAW, it’s not politically expedient to go one way or another here.
We call it “par-meeeeeeee-zhan” with the accent on the second syllable.
CARB supplies needed competition in the emissions standards space. They push EPA, and hard, and the whole country moves forward. I may be less bullish on the whole CARB sticker thing for aftermarket, but overall they make our lives better.
I’m not convinced the UAW is not playing into GM’s hands right now.
Bridal size is traditional Vogue pattern sizing. I’m a 6 in almost everything, 12 in Vogue. It’s ok. At least I know that 12 will stay the same forever.
I’m not even plus sized and I love everything about this. You can do so much more when a body has room on it to be DRESSED!
LOLOLOL Oh yes....
This is the most Philly thing ever. Good lord.
OMG. As a former HS Swimmer, I can tell you that your butt has to be a particular shape for suits *NOT* to ride up. Those of us with imperfects butts are/were always pulling on our suits.
The word is “right” as in, this is the right thing to do.