Which only cost $20 and connect to your phone. One of my best purchases.
Which only cost $20 and connect to your phone. One of my best purchases.
Quirky is having a turntable.
We call the shaker stuff “Toddler Marching Powder” around here.
What can Browns do for Hue?
Cleveland’s cat: Saquon is both dead and alive.
My mid-2011 is still running well, but is reaching “end of life” in Apple’s eyes, so while I’m in the market to replace it, I’ll definitely wait until the latest is out. Single best, most reliable laptop I’ve ever had.
Thankfully, it doubles as a sex toy.
The expectation that cops know the rules and laws of the road and drive accordingly is way over estimated.
Bwahahahahaah like kids eat piping hot food.
Nice to have an Email of the Week that is verbal diarrhea instead of the traditional kind.
This comment will never have enough stars
Come on, you’re better than this! My wife and I play in a bowling league together and we’re not fucking.
Flowers in the Arctic
F*ckabee Sanders
Greatest 4 song album in the history of recorded music.
I believe it was also curve 9 where Killian succumbed to grim death at the end of The Running Man.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep. Like my grandma did.
Series of poor life decisions made in this video: