Is ‘coc au van’ a food truck where they serve delicious Coq au Vin? (it should be....checks copyright)
Is ‘coc au van’ a food truck where they serve delicious Coq au Vin? (it should be....checks copyright)
Did someone say Spa?
and thats saying something.
Also, you’ve now made two trips to the store instead of one. I’m sure the extra sales from that second trip more than make up for the costs of the loaners.
Peter Jennings stubs his cigarette out—in hell.
The Puzder’s went to high school with my mom, Assholes then, assholes now.
I was living in Sweden and needed to revew my 5yo son’s passport. They sent us a brand new passport for a random 18yo that lived in the same City. It being Sweden, i just called him up and had him pick up the passport from me rather than sending it back to to Embassy. I can’t remember how we eventually got my sons…
“I’m pretty sure putting nukes on the moon would be a violation of at least one treaty prohibiting the militarization of space”——-shhhhhhh Don’t tell the President that Nukes on the Moon would piss off the rest of the world or else he might abandon the wall and make moon nukes his biggest priority.
A friend of mine owns a Giant 1960s Lincoln limo given to Mrs. Dodge by the Ford family. It’s quite a beast.
And way fewer guys with guns on the other side of the door.
If that’s how you poop, you need more fiber.
“beat the worst team in the league in ot”—-please show some respect. The Browns are pretty much the worst team in history—in any league.
Doesn’t this stuff belong over at TTAC? +1
Wait. You don’t associate a bunch of dudes in flannel with Bears? you will now.
Just remember that the Ravens also won a Superbowl with Trent Dilfer as their QB. Trent. Dilfer.
This. Zee Germans didn’t use any unnecessary parts. Every little piece of tin was there for a reason.
You mention the John Brown but don’t link to it. It’s moored in Baltimore and they do a few cruises every year. It’s staffed by a great bunch of volunteers.