I’d love to see a Jalop article (especially a Tavarish article) about 911s that doesn’t use the words ‘Beetle’ or ‘Purist.’ Kudos to Freddy for not using the phrases ‘widow-maker’ or ‘ass-engined’ in this write-up.
I’d love to see a Jalop article (especially a Tavarish article) about 911s that doesn’t use the words ‘Beetle’ or ‘Purist.’ Kudos to Freddy for not using the phrases ‘widow-maker’ or ‘ass-engined’ in this write-up.
We did remove image annotations - it was a feature that was more often triggered by mistake than with intention. Looking at the numbers in 2015, something like 90% of people who activated the annotation editor did not submit anything back to us.
Yes, I, an out gay man, am very homophobic. You’re adorable.
Maybe Travis brought some Kinja over there.
I keep hearing that cruises are absolutely no fun whatsoever unless you have kids and your goal is to drop them off at some random day care center and drink yourself to oblivion. Am I wrong on this?
I believe you meant “aesthetically”. “Ascetic” is a different word entirely - one that does not describe Ash at all. Good points all around though. He sucks.
Name them. All 25. That are under 100k.
A deeply mediocre team quarterbacked by Nick Foles isn’t exactly a big draw for the citizens of Los Angeles
Goddamn it. I can’t very well listen to a podcast while I’m pooping at work, now can I?
My favorite thing about this game is that when you reach an unwinnable state, it displays a big banner reading “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.”
Well this is slowly shifting from “clown car crash lol” into “I am genuinely uncomfortable that he’s going to end up like Chris Henry” territory.
Lived through over 25 MI winters, had a car for 10 of them. Never had a garage. Never did this silly ass wiper stand stuff.
Never had a wiper ruined by icing. Also changed wipers every 6 months, new winter blades, went back to regular un-rubberized blades for rest of the year come Spring. Had no idea this was a thing…
That’s easy. Don’t turn the wipers on until the ice has been melted or otherwise removed.
Wait, you stick your hand down into the toilet you just shit in to wipe? What if it made a pile higher than you expect? Or, especially if it’s an unfamiliar toilet, the top is closer to the water than you’re expecting?
I’ll add this...
Awarded the Dennis Miller Honorary Doctorate for Arcane Commentary, 2016.
“I’ve seen [Fishbone] do every style, in the same song!” - Mike Watt
Thin Mints are great and all, but I think they’d be sneakily tough to finish a box of (relatively speaking).
Yay! Way to go editing the video and making it shitty and unentertaining.