You’re getting a ton of mileage out of that picture lately hey?
You’re getting a ton of mileage out of that picture lately hey?
As a die-hard Toyota fan, FR-S owner, and marketing professional with a specific focus on social media, I am incredibly disheartened by what Scion is becoming. It's basically an intersection of the things I loathe most about the auto industry, my profession, my generation, and contemporary society. The worst part is,…
It was the first thing that came to my head when I saw the title of the article. One day I'll be out of the grays permanently.
Jack Nicholson's performance alone makes Easy Rider a good motion picture, as opposed to terrible. Your opinion sounds like more millennials revisionism, who are subconsciously frustrated with the mediocrity of their own culture.
feel like Steve McQueen, a former movie star
I can't remember anything off the top of my head. Been a while since I saw the guy, but he's my granddad's best friend. That yellow speedster has been on a few cross-country road trips. He does a lot of work with aircooled Porsches, and his garage is a Jalop's dream. His daily driver is a Hudson coupe with a…
I ALWAYS keep my turbines WOT.
Not if it's empty. Then you can use one of these miracle inventions called a water fountain to fill it.
But how about what they make on exports? Top gear is sold to a great many countries.
You are absolutely correct Danny. When at lunch with my good friend Hans Mezger many a year ago, asking him where he came with that idea, he stated the same himself, "That's an old idea, used by Mercedes in their Grand Prix engines long time ago." A very nice humble man to this day...
You just drove home from the dealership in your car with 100,000 mile change interval plugs. Go get your plug wrench, and your can of anti-sieze. Pull the plugs, apply the goo, and re-install.
40 minutes of Porsche 356s being made by hand is 40 minutes well spent.
Involved in a relegation battle, this was no time Toulouse.
One of the most impressive features, however, was the power window on each of the rear sliding doors. Something like that wasn't necessary as most vans until recently didn't have this option, but it's another touch that the forward-thinking heads at Ford decided to put into their lovable and pragmatic people-hauler…
I'm from Sweden, I don't know what a Blazer is. We all drive Koenigseggs and/or Volvos. Usually Volvos.
The first six drafts put the engine and the driver in the same compartment, plus some mail in the engine compartment. Also, there was a coat closet in revisions 1-4. The observation deck was removed in draft 3.
These studies cost $440,000.