
VW's leasing Diesels cheap due to low gas prices. But it's still not cheap enough if you consider the high residuals on diesels. Oil prices will go back up, this is only temporary. I'm anticipating a positive equity position near lease end. Plus if you own a business 80% of the payment is a write off. 0% of a payment

Having spent a ton of time in DC over the last six months I think it's safe to say there is no place in America with more confusing roads. Add that to the huge number of foreigners, not to mention outsiders visiting the city on weekends, and you've got tons of trouble. In my honest opinion, DC drivers are the worst in

I did, but she seems big on my being alive to see my son grow up for some reason now.

I could almost hear the car over the generic "rocking" soundtrack.

Not a pull knob. That's the washer pump. It's a rubber squeeze bulb/button.

They should have pulled a vacuum on the frame to check for leaks instead. Think of the weight savings without all those extra air molecules!

It's not a push button switch. It's a pull out knob. Hard to grab one while wearing gloves....and going 400 (!) kph. Also the drilled out key and balsa shift knob are good marketing. Both have been shown as examples of porsche's engineering prowess for decades. The frame was permanently pressurized to help detect

You think that Chris Collinsworth is the reason why this is being second-guessed? That's some Pete Carroll-esque overthinking right there.

They were losing. They needed to score. Wilson to Lockette is the equivalent of the Bulls letting Craig Hodges take the final shot against Cleveland in 1989 instead of Jordan. You

LUND: But what about all the field work I did?

Not sure if an official suspect, but worth posting:

At about 1:27 a.m., Allenby was helped into a cab by a homeless woman named Charade Keane.

The Smithsonian has been its home since 1928.

Hi Stef! I don't comment on Jalopnik very much because I'm not a fan of Kinja, but welcome to Daytona.

You're forgetting that lease payments are 100% deductible as long as the car is used for "business" purposes. Like if a private practice dentist uses their 911 Turbo as his sole means of transporting to and from work, then that car can be considered a business expense. If the car is financed, then only the interest is