Atohi Wesa

E-ink dominates other devices in two places: First is in long-term reading in varying lighting conditions. I have a 2nd gen Paperwhite and it just looks great everywhere in any type of any light, or in complete darkness.

I will go literally nowhere out of my way to save money on gas. I will even pay more if the line is shorter.

Call me crazy, but I place no responsibility for improving my mental health on anyone but myself.

What happens now? Consumers actually pay attention to the price of their medications. They weigh their options in regard to cost, convenience, effectiveness, and preferences. Various manufacturers will make an effort to market their wares, and the competition will give consumers more choices and likely lower prices.

Your first hint that a used car dealer is shady: he deals in used cars.

The betas have been largely stable, there’s just nothing new for the average user except having to re-learn lockscreen interaction and a pull-up utility drawer for turning on the flashlight/turning off Bluetooth.

That’s what I was thinking. The headlight bezels did have a chrome option, and the Ruffles texture on the turn signal lense.

I want this to happen soon, so when I’m old and my kids tell me they don’t want me to drive anymore, I’ll be able to stubbornly tell them, “You can’t take the sky from me!”

Honestly no I don’t, and I hate this excuse for a legitimate comment system, but thanks for the tip!

I’m saying making a profit increases aid as resources can then come from more remote and costlier sources, and there are more sources seeking a profit than there are seeking to provide charity. If you want things to get better quicker, you need both groups involved.

Defense? I don’t think we’re having the same conversation.

I just realized that Dark Matter was a different show than Falling Skies, which was also not Dark Skies. Despite actually enjoying sci-fi, I don’t pay attention to the marketing, if it even exists.

@evilfacelessturtle You’re missing the big picture. This isn’t a case of A or B. It’s a case of A and B. The people who can pay for resources and do so actually free up the charity-provided resources for those who cannot pay. Everyone benefits in this scenario.

Charity is for people who can wait.

Our local theaters offer discounts on Tuesdays where tickets are $5. Guess which nights my wife and I go see movies? We really enjoy seeing movies on the big screen, but we also understand that modern pricing is way off the rails.

The fact that you don’t want to leave people alone and let them do what they want when it doesn’t affect you is freaking me the hell out.

Your first sentence was incorrect on 2 of the 3 points, so I didn’t read the rest of the post. Yes, at present, unions need to go if you want expand employment opportunities here in the US. One of the best examples right now is Boeing. It laid off 1,800 union workers in Washington and hired over 3,000 non-union

I have binders full of Beckies.