Atohi Wesa

Huh, okay. The original driver and owner was from the Norfolk area and now lives in NC. He was one of my brother’s buddies when they were teenagers.

Are you talking about Dennis Anderson or another individual associated with Grave Digger?

You must be from Tidewater.

Energy has mass. I thought everyone knew this? Maybe I assume this because when I was a kid, I’d read how a compressed spring weighs more than an uncompressed spring.

Anchorman 2. The whole thing was like, “Remember when we did this before and it was funny?”

The 8-month hiati is what kills shows for me. I forget all about them by the time they’re back on.

The only thing is has going for it is not having the 351M. It’s about a $2,500 truck in my area.

I thought it was Loki?

I find that hard to believe as well. Because of how complicated drums are to assemble and how much metal is used, I would think rear discs would be an obvious addition to everything coming off an assembly line these days.

The insane depreciation of Chrysler/Dodge products seems like a risky financial position to be in. If the average person ever understood how to add depreciation into the cost of ownership, Chrysler/Dodge would be screwed.

Even worse than new games arriving broken, old games, especially on Steam, are never fixed. I had to manually patch one of the Arkham games to get it to load. On another, I had to start the game, then use Task Manager to only allow it to use two of my 4 CPU cores.

Those Takata airbags don't seem to be very popular...

Despite having our own sanded entrance to the Atlantic here in the Va Beach area, most locals go south to the Outer Banks of NC instead.

At least you’ve only got two knives. The last guy that posted one of these had 3.

I’m so over YouTube’s embedding rules.

I am all about public transportation and getting to read or sleep, while saving on fuel and cost, and helping the environment.

I almost bought that instead. What ended up selling me on the Exped was built-in air pump.

My biggest tip: time your camping trip right. I’m from VA. Today is 92° with 44% humidity. Everybody talks about going camping in the middle of summer. It’s too hot here for that! Just because the sun goes down, it doesn’t mean you’ll be able to get cool. This is a somewhat regional condition, but one to keep in mind.