
It’s not gory or traditionally scary, but a friend dared me to watch Salo a few years back. The most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen, and I only held on for about 45 minutes. I don’t even recommend reading the plot summary on wikipedia, just the short synopsis that crammed into the top paragraph. Seriously, it made me

Yeah, she’s cute and all, but can she hold a candle to the saccharine charm of Kingseeker Frampt? Just look at that button nose!

Sorry Michelle, but your “partner in crime’s” infraction is being a war criminal with 500,000 dead Iraqis hanging over him. I know he’s a likable guy, that’s part of why some people voted for him, but I gotta keep it real. 

Please show me the pile of death threats made against Mr. Kavanaugh, Lindsey. No, no. I’ll wait.  

Will anything change once the beach front properties start taking on water?

Guys, come on. She’ll never be canon if you keep drawing/rendering her with huge boobs. Bah, who am I kidding. She was only made for fappin’

The movie’s cultural depiction seems short sided, but choosing a Korean actress shouldn’t be cause for alarm. I’m guessing the race of the character isn’t as important as the pan-Asian aesthetic as far as the story is concerned. Plus, China has Korean actors in their movies quite often. They’re very popular and it’s

Today, tomorrow and forever.

A senator from Alaska does not give a fuck what a Floridian thinks.

Really? This was the hardest decision of your career? You know what might provide additional evidence and make this decision a lot easier? AN FBI INVESTIGATION LONGER THAN ONE WEEK. FUCK. Get outta here with that bullshit Lisa. This isn’t a moral stance; it’s a political move plain and simple.

Yeah, that happens when said nominee intimates the President is above the law, and said President could be under impeachment proceeding by next year.

This is the most scientific approach I’ve yet heard for proving the existence of heaven or hell. Since we missed our chance to question Mr. Rogers, who was most likely Christ reborn.

Reminds me of the joke about the guy driving on the highway and thinks everyone else is driving in the wrong direction. 

More like, my Senator still has an (R) next to his name despite being a self-serving sack of shit. At least he ain’t no libtard cuck!

Has any dem actually had the spine to bring up the perjury before and during the hearing to the senate?

The Bingbing incident is telling, but please look at the bigger picture of what’s happening in China. Xi is trying to return to Maoist thought. They’ve been doing massive crackdowns on Christians, Muslims and even Buddhists sects. My wife used to attend the biggest Catholic church in Shanghai in the middle of the

Her movie contracts were designed to hide money. The Chinese government usually looks the other way for big time celebrities, but she must’ve caught there ire somehow or maybe her star was burning to bright with her international fame growing to let her off the hook..

53% of white women....

So, this is the stuff normal people would be in jail for, right?

Toyata must be distraught that they didn’t think of this first. They’ve brought shame to the kokutai.