
I came here to post this... Time to fix all of the 996s

Lincoln Aviator

In my opinion, many of us are looking at this wrong. At the current time Liberty Media is only getting 18% equity or so (I’m too lazy to cross-reference) on the front end. This will ramp up over time to full ownership — it only makes sense that the majority still rules. I think you’ll see a change at a time that’s

It’s not actual’s this weird plastic stuff. Blew my mind when I first saw it.

Hong Kong, Seoul Incheon, and Singapore have them. I’ve walked by the one in Seoul, I’m assuming the others are still around.

I feel all tingly...

Having a familiar knowledge with one of the race teams, numbers I’ve seen for an Indy-only entry will range $800k-$1.2MM for major sponsorship on a lower-end to mid-level team. You’re basically funding a chassis plus operating costs and all of the other odds and ends. One of the big 3 will probably have a much higher

That would be a sliding scale based on the car’s drag ratio and how much power that particular setup gains from the dense air, right? At these speeds, i.e. not setting land top speed records I can’t imagine it’s all that huge of a difference. I.E. am I making an extra 10 or 100hp due to the atmosphere and am I pushing

Just like refinancing a home loan...the CU pays off the dealer financing and your note switches to the CU. just make sure there are no pre-payment penalties on the dealer financing. Basically I paid off the dealer loan without them ever charging me any interest. Because it was done under 90 days and 3k miles (your

Shouldn’t ATL be number 2 on that list? It’s 398ft which is what, 121+ meters?

I can’t wait until my kids are trapped inside in one of the many low-as-hell parking decks we have around here...

Buddy of mine was riding shotgun in a CRX that had the belts attached to the doors...the car lost control and hit a concrete barrier on his size which ripped the door open....and promply ejected him out of the car at 60mph. He was lucky to live through it, somehow managed to never hit his head on the pavement but

Holy hell I did this maneuver on my first and only paragliding adventure last year...REALLY glad I found out the chute could rip in half AFTER being strapped on like a sack of potatoes to a guy I met 15 minutes before...

With all of the the room available for aero black magic and the stated weight goal they may not have to worry as much about being able to put the power down off of corners with the FWD may have a few MPH on everything by corner exit, that's all I can figure. If they don't have as much drag dedicated to

Looks like the exhaust is connected to the tubing/extraction system hanging from the ceiling behind the car.

Its antenna for SATCOM in that bubble. Many years ago my Grandfather was Chief of the Battle Staff on the E-4; I believe he retired right when they got the antennas installed and I remember him talking about them when I was building a model of it when I was little.

I love when you get the 'it's a name, pronounce it right" from that crowd...I then tell them to STFU every time those same people say 'Chevy'....its usually takes them a minute to catch on.

100% agree. I've seen the F22 and Strike Eagle demos back-to-back and the F22 does things so effortlessly with it's thrust vecoring and all that it is sorta boring whereas the F-15E demo was incredible to watch. The Strike Eagle ripped the air apart and graced itself with those beautiful contrails from the wingtips

Agreed. Also been 180+ in a car as well as have ridden on numerous high-speed rail systems around Europe and Asia...those trees are passing as quickly as I'd expect at that speed.