Russell Bell

You obviously have no idea how much money these athletes are making their respective schools to think that Scholarships, Room & Board equal anything resembling a fair payout.

They can't sell anything in the gift bag for money I believe. QB Terrell Pryor from Ohio State got suspended for selling his jersey and championship rings.

"The reality the vast majority are not physically ready for the NFL out of high school. And the development process and exposure on a big stage in college has real value"

While that is very true about fans supporting the schools moreso than the players, without good players, no one would support the school.

except it's not capitalism for these athletes. The system is gamed. They are barred from entering the NFL until 3 years have passed since they graduated HS, so they are forced to go to college if they want to play in the NFL. There isn't a suitable minor league or other option for them if they want to get invited

Would it have been possible to sign Kobe to a 6 yr 48 million dollar contract provides he knows and waive him after the two years when he plans to retire plans?

I used to smoke before sports (basketball) and saw my it effect my performance usually positively in terms of focus, but negatively in terms of stamina/endurance - Did you smoke before playing and did it have similar effects on your play?

I see no reason not to pitch Kershaw - You get to pitch game 4 and 5 with Kershaw and Grenkie on the mound vs. Nolasco and Kershaw (albeit more rested). The different between Grenkie and Nolasco is much larger than the different between 3 and 4-days rest Kershaw.

"Someone swung a chair - it was the kid that got stabbed - and hit my son in the head. My son defended himself," said Martin Montgomery.

This is beyond hilarious - you sound like the biggest square in the entire planet. I bet you probably blame them not putting their dishes away on being potheads. That they didn't take the trash out because they're pot heads. You were in college and everyone is a shitty roommate at some point or the other. And I

What rights of yours are being infringed on? Are you potentially being incarcerated over being angry at pot-heads? Because the reason people are so adamant about weed being legalized is driven by the amount of people incarcerated over petty drug crimes which is the main reason prisons are over crowded.

You're in the minority on that one buddy, I've been going to Quallcomm since the early 2000's to travel down for Chargers games (I'm a Bronco fan and went to at least 2 games a year with a buddy who had season tix) and people have been complaining it was a dump back then. I won't even get into the awfulness that is

We're in the same boat, grew up near LA from 93 to 07 and have been living in San Diego since I came to school out here - I may be overstating the 90 minutes drive from Carlsbad to PB (Its def taken me over an hour before), but adding NFL stadium traffic easily pushes it outside a 'gross overstatement' - And PB is

Carlsbad is 35+ miles from Downtown San Diego, that's like saying a Los Angeles team should build its stadium in Calabasas. That's 90 minutes of traffic to get from Pacific Beach to Carlsbad if there was an NFL game on, that's not viable

I'm talking about in terms of ticket sales, especially when the team isn't performing. San Diego has the MOST fairweather fans I've ever seen in a city (due mainly to the transient nature of the majority of its citizens be it from the Navy or the people who went to college here and stayed).

^The Public is def not on board, everyone here is hoping that the Spanos wont be able to pay their estate tax and have to sell the team

The Stadium needs to go downtown if the Chargers want to have any modicum of success financially (saying this as a Broncos fan living in San Diego). There's simply too much nice shit to do in SD on a given day then either drive to Poway (one proposal) or go to that dump sitting in Mission Valley

The Windows 8 integration with skydrive, contacts, ect.. is the only thing keeping me on WP8. I am a Verizon customer, so I have been getting the absolute shaft, (on my 5th HTC 8x from the sim-card read errors and portico bricking my phone completely, def changing to the Lumia 928 when it becomes available next

The First Letter is from my Middle School Principle, Small World. Considering how much time I spent in his office, I never knew he was such a UCLA fan.