Atlas Twerked

I know there are some researchers at a training hospital in my city who perform it. I got the contact info for their department from a therapist (after bringing the topic up myself) a few years ago, but haven't decided yet whether to go through with it.

Basically, yes. (I suspect it was due to the curled-mouth, lipless smile I had as a child.)

My father seems physically uncomfortable with short hair on a woman, and almost couldn't make it through Tig (also commenting on her "hard" face, which I suspect was further discomfort with her lack of makeup).

Would that it had been awesome defiance instead of drug-test-related desperation. (I guess I have a bit of a soft spot for Britney Bitch ever since that meltdown.)

"You know, hon, when you were little I thought you were going to grow up looking like Jiminy Cricket."
- possible backhanded compliment from my mom to my teenaged self

When the Sims were smoothed into shapeless puddings in Sims 3 it was all downhill for me. As unintuitive as TS2's facial sliders were, they were pretty powerful, and actually resulted in unique faces.

I really enjoyed her in the understated Manny and Lo (in which Scarlett Johansson played a kid sister to whom I quite related at the time).

This—in light of my childhood proclivity for proclaiming that my Barbies were pterodactyls, complete with SCREEEing—only reinforces my belief that Maria is my twin soul.

Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration…

You must gather your party before venturing forth.

*throws pizza slice*

Yeah, the list got me, too. I almost considered seeing whether I can hold a remote control, but decided to retain what's left of my dignity instead.

I wish for you to disappear. Mekka lekka hi mekka hiney ho!

She's just drunk again.

Thanks! And I apologize for nerding out. After checking out her YouTube channel I'm a bit in awe of her talent (even if not all of the songs landed with me—and the same is true of the show, so don't feel too bad for disliking it).

I'm in the Mid-Atlantic, sadly, but that's interesting nonetheless!

I hope that didn't come off as sarcasm. I'm a ridiculous fangirl.

Agreed. The joke is definitely not THAT it's white people rapping, though I can see how it might seem that way out of context. The writers seem interested in exploring as many musical genres as possible, and rap is just another one.