My mistake. It was Barry, not Westworld.
Murai has also directed some excellent episodes of Legion, Westworld, and Atlanta, but please, don’t let me stand in the way of your desire to be condescending.
If only someone would provide you with a list of books on slavery you could read.
It's also a slog to get through all the forced snark and sick burns.
Bamford is a pterodactyl. She'll be fine.
Upvoted for "263 Trumps ago"
Soundgarden's "Fourth of July" is also not fun. This year, however, it feels appropriate.
One of my formative memories is of listening to "Take My Breath Away" on a record player on faux-repeat (i.e., standing each time the song ended to move the needle back to the approximate area of the track break).
They called this joyous celebration…the Game of Thrones!
Ah, l'esprit de l'escalier le bed.
Uhh Yeah Dude, sitting quietly in a smoky corner, regards these upstarts with mirth. Seatbelts.
It has the benefit of downplaying the amount of resistance to this plan; instead of an influx of legitimately concerned citizens, this becomes a malicious act by trolls with questionable motives.
I worked as a librarian on a major Navy training base until 2014. The training manuals were nearly all print, many in terrible condition or missing changes/revisions, some dating back to the fifties; I was hired largely to clean up the mess. These publications cost hundreds of dollars apiece to print, and had to be…