Atlas Twerked

I hold Plath (or rather the narrator of The Bell Jar) partially responsible for my failure to shower for nearly a year, during a particularly bleak depression in my mid-twenties. She's right; you just get dirty again.

I was 19 myself on 9/11 — still practically vibrating with outrage over the 2000 election. On the heels of that shitshow, the attacks felt (to me) all the more surreal and dystopian. I can only imagine growing up in the aftermath, without experiencing the shock.

I commend your vigilance. Let us all do our part to raise Peyronie's awareness in 2016!


I'm thinking it's a bizarrely literal translation of "step-mother."

(Thankfully we were spared any scenes of Cersei "swallowing [Robert's] princes," or whatever GRRM's delightful turn of phrase was.)

Just let the comments section hold you down and penetrate you with insights. You'll probably start to like it after a few minutes.

I find that closing the tab on trolls works fantastically well for me, and I remain blissfully unaware of their reaction to it.

This — he's my personal biggest disappointment. I'm trying not to let it stain my memories of massively enjoying several of his series during my preteen years.

Gift bag, with loads of tissue paper sticking out of the top. Haven't tied a bow on a present in years.

I think the chicken wire tip is probably sufficient info to make a reasonable knock-off at home, if one is so inclined.


Better to give the Internet a good squirt with a water gun, then treat the area with citrus spray to prevent recurrence.

Pack whose bowels with what now?

It upvotes her comments, apparently.

That seems plausible (though I'd credit motor inhibition more than blankets). In many of my dreams I'm desperately trying to shout, but am mute, or can only produce whispers; my partner tells me I mutter in my sleep.

"God, look at this thing," said a dejected Trump, hoisting up a large quantity of belly flab with his forearm to make his stunted organ visible.

Jesus wouldn't let that happen to us.

Fair enough; he's technically expressed just that — a shred. (In between bouts of seeming to almost revel in his violent reputation.) I don't think this counterbalances his otherwise largely unrepentant attitude and behavior. It certainly doesn't negate the fact that he's been given plenty of opportunities, by the

This; the humor lies in the comparison of one's Twitter feed to a divine, metaphysical record of the contents of one's soul and its previous incarnations. Made me chuckle anyway.