
Anytime you’re copying Subaru’s styling, it’s going to be ugly. This looks like some designer traced all of the WRX’s styling elements to the new Civic, then spent the rest of the day watching porn on his phone in the bathroom.

I hope I’m not in the minority when I say this:

Imagine living long enough for your grandchildren to yell at you to get off their lawn.

You are so wrong that there will come a day—maybe not soon, but it will come—where you find your old Preacher comics in the closet. You will smirk, remembering how wrong I was and how well you owned me, and you will flip through the first issue on a lark.

Soon, you will find yourself sitting in front of the closet

what are the odds that Ted’s daughters knocked Carly out of the way in an effort to escape from his revolting embrace?

This makes me think that the justices don’t understand how insurance works. Full stop. You don’t buy insurance for specific medicines and condition. There is no “diabetes insurance” that you specifically buy on the marketplace when you need insulin. You buy comprehensive insurance and the company is gambling that more

Who is that blind woman sitting next to Donald Trump?

Finally, a phone for Donald Trump to Tweet from.

ambulatory merkin was a personal fave.

Poor child. It must have been so taxing to see this headline, be FORCED to click on it, and then FORCED to write a comment which will be roundly ignored by the editors. Your struggle is difficult, but poets will honor it in days to come.

Feature request: Hide all comments from people who leave the same comment as yours in each and every single article like this.

Well we know one guy who didn’t break out of prison recently.

Looks like the Cavs are coming up short.

whoa. In ten years it's gone from looking like an N64 game to looking like a PS2 game. That's progress.