
If you lose them they will sell you more eggs, no problem.

That's not a need to pee sprint. That's a bomb waiting to explode in your pants sprint.

Good. Next step I'd like to see would be a $0.001 per share per transaction tax. (i.e. for every 1,000,000 shares sold, a tax of $1,000, regardless of the value of those shares).

You're dropped in via gold-plated helicopter.

That looks amazing, but I'm trying to figure out how you actually get into the pool. It looks like you'd either have to balance on the edge of the walls surrounding the staircase leading down or you'd need to walk through the scrubby brush and then boost yourself up into the pool. Neither seems particularly pleasing.

Or you could just hold a gun to the guys head and say give me all your money.

Maybe you should stop cheating on your wife.

Panel van crowd have always seemed pretty accommodating.

Although the original $9M Sealion was delivered in 2003 as a technology demonstrator and test-bed, with no stated plans to put the boat into production or operations, this seems to have changed as Sealion was quickly followed by a slightly more advanced Sealion 2.

Kitten, help me out!

Not mine, but this wins:

I made the best use of Word.

Kill all humans, you say?

"Bringing you a better Apocalypse."

i got fancy