
With spline-curve modeling/normalization and a library of parametric shapes to reference, you could easily get enough accuracy to let someone take a photo of a nut/bolt/part, snap to standards, print and install.

It's cool; but if it's using nothing but parallax to calculate distances (and get that elusive 3rd spatial dimension into the data) then the resolution is going to be pretty limited. I'd be surprised if this was useful for printing anything other than trinkets. Now, if we started putting lasers onto phones for better

I don't believe this is taught in Geometry...Analytical Geometry, perhaps as a problem of planes intersecting...not everyone takes this level of Mathematics...for fuck's sake.

There is a 3D surface called "hyperbolic cylinder". One of these can be created by rotating a hyperbolе (think of the curved hole in this video, rotated around the rod's axle).

I played around with this idea a few months ago, here are a few that I did...

I came for the video and hit repeat for the music.

"Correlation is not causation" has become a meaningless piece of internet lingo deployed by people who neither understand what they're talking about nor bother to want to learn. It's a destructive type of nihilism about the pursuit of knowledge employed by people who need the results of research in their own lives but

1954 Ferrari 375 MM Scaglietti

You're speak in my language Ballaban. I will try to keep my list short. First, the 375 America Coupe by Pinin Farina, built for FIAT boss Gianni Angelli.

The "Ingrid" 375 Special — A Scaglietti shape, custom built for director Roberto Rossolini to give to his wife, actress Ingrid Bergman. "Here's looking at (your Ferrari), kid."

There are so many great choices - but the Zagato 250 GT is true class.

Am I doing this right?

It's an uncropped doberman.

Lots of nutso groups like peta, greenpeace and your assortment of eco terrorist groups, some of whom do more damage than they help. Like the group that burned a bunch of SUVs causing probably more pollution than the vehicles would have in their normal lifetime of use. A lot of your crystal energy voodoo, magnets,