
That would be kind of cool they hop from reality to reality. Hoping each leap will be the leap home.

Unfortunately, I’ve got a pretty big head, meaning fedoras just don’t fit right; hell, I’m lucky to find a stocking cap that doesn’t make me look like a Conehead in a muff.

M’lady wife has had to go the whole of our relationship without a proper tip of the hat, or a respectable doffing thereof. will be the end of

i like you

Here’s a radical idea: how about when people compete in a game, they act with dignity and treat each other with respect?

leave it to a Morty to stand up and do the right thing.

The thing about competitive trash-talk is that it comes in “levels.” Those levels are divided into what’s appropriate amongst friends who know each other well enough to be able to accept a barb without taking offense, mixed groups of friends and acquaintances where more care is warranted, groups of strangers where

I’ve found that folks will generally surprise you with just how human, caring, and decent they can be.

...some will, inevitably, demonstrate the depths of human depravity (or just the proclivity for being a complete asshole in a situation that doesn’t require it), but most folks are decent at heart—it’s just that daily

It’s not just this site, it’s with parenting in general. I’d say the vast majority of commenters don’t have children, but they’re very willing to offer up their opinion of what they would do if they had a kid. Or if they do have a kid, they offer up an opinion of why their parenting is better. Parenting is one of

And now I’m laughing even harder. I think I have a headache from laughing so hard. :D

You wont be laughing when Pence just whispers “Hail Hydra” into his ear and Trump yells out “MALE VAGINA?”

“You had Team Cap on one side that was bad and you had a group on Team Stark that was also very violent. nobody wants to say it, but I will say it right now.” 

Not convinced he knew? I’m not convinced he knows now.

Mr. Trump, The NYT is reporting you have a 105% approval rating in Wakanda. An unprecedented approval rating for any president at any time in any country. Do you think your popularity in Wakanda has to do with your high intelligence or the fact that you are always proven right on everything, no matter what it is?


I laughed at this, until I realized, we have a President that’s so dumb, he’d actually fall for this.

I’m convinced he would think the reporter said ‘Jenna Jameson’ and respond accordingly. 45 definitely knows who she is.

Respectfully, you have to ask Trump first.

President Trump after your recently reported comments on Africa, are you concerned that the Black Panther movement is gaining traction in Wakanda?

Like Trump could read or do math on a high school level anyway.