
I came here to say the same thing. The police and the caller are both criminally liable. If a man answers the door peacefully and is then exexuted, that is terrible police recruiting / training / practice. We now know from the Daniel Shaver case that police are eager to open fire, and treat civilian lives as

All true. I grew up in a law enforcement family.

There are rules, regulations, and training programs that pertain to trigger discipline.

They fail more often than they should.

That said, if the dipshit who made the call hadn’t been butthurt over a fucking game, this particular instance of awfulness wouldn’t have

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

Failsafe has two personalities so is it a polyship?

I have to be honest here: picking on Furries seems like the last (at least marginally) socially-acceptable redoubt of the same impulses that drive homophobia and transphobia.

My personal experience with Furries has been limited; I know and am friends with two folks who identify with the fandom, and I’ve interacted with

On, deep cuts like Amputated and Well-Done Anakin (who just screams and rolls around during matches),

I’m eager for pirates to crack Battlefront 2 so I can play the singleplayer and delete it.

thanks! I put alot of work into creating hir. ^_^

I’m fairly confident that the Intenet infrastructure in the US is still going to be just as shitty as it is today since Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, etc. try as hard as they can to not upgrade the wires used.

I see you comment here a lot and every time I read something of yours, I’m convinced you are a person I’d like to hang out with. Keep being awesome, please.

“As we kept reviewing the game, it continued to look like a style of gaming, a much more linear game, that people don’t like as much today as they did five years ago or 10 years ago.”

you’re welcome. ^_^

Physical games will still be around 20 years from now. I know there are people who look at physical games with disgust, but they are still in demand. The only area I can see physical games going away are PC games, but as long as console gaming exists, there will be physical games.

it’s not head canon.

Did anyone else notice that every quote here, save the one about FFXV, involved trickery and deception and the blurring of lines?

They canned a game and laid off an entire studio because a game was linear. EA has got to be the dumbest company there is.

“Good. Good. Let the tempt flow through you.”

It isn’t hard to understand: every girl’s crazy ‘bout a shark-dressed man.