Yay, Ridley still has it!
Yay, Ridley still has it!
I thought that both Låt den rättä komma in and Moon were exceptional movies just because they failed to let you down despite the hype from io9.com. That takes a lot. I agree, that neither blew my mind and they might have been more awesome without the extra expectations, but it still takes a lot to (nowdays) even…
oh, yay! 2/10
Scandinavians rule! I first was overjoyed by this unexpected glory of having a bigger brain than everyone else in the planet, but then I remembered that finnish people are not scandinavian. Oh, well, congratulations to our lovely neighbours. At least we won the ice hockey world championship..
You, sir, are very correct.
I agree. I think the fundamental story of Lucifer fails to present him as the bad guy. I mean God is the one who is always killing people and having childish hissy fits when everything doesn't go his way. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Lucifer is responsible for any deaths (directly) in the Bible.
I would have imagined that with such a massive hadron, higgs boson would have had a premature ejac.. discovery.
Well, then it's just back to the old drawing board.
I was gonna say the same exact thing.
I have to say I kept referring to the first picture quite a bit while reading this article. I vote that the producers give one episode (performed live) to those cosplayers. Nice job.
You had me at Summer Glau, but sheesh.. this movie has everything!
Memory, Sorrow and Thorn - I'd love to see that on film. Especially, directed by some trippy movie director.
First off, job well done (one third anyway)! Congrats. I'm curious to know if you toyed with the idea to create this book (and the remaining two) to be more independent and more closely knitted. I was a bit baffled because now I haven't got a clear idea just what was actually accomplished in Quantum Thief and all I…
You better hope they don't come up with a test for io9.com articles. I mean, in theory, they would not just produce the past io9.com articles, but all the future ones as well. Dear io9 editors, think about it, you'd be out of the job - in a finite amount of time!
So, this story would seem to suggest there already IS a sequel to Pitch Black. That's just stupid. That would be like saying there are prequels to the Star Wars trilogy. Totally not true.
I agree. I think the most common answer for people with cigarette addiction is "I can quit any time, but I don't want to". It makes no sense. It would be exactly the same to answer: "I can't' quit any time, because I don't want it enough".