
It would be so cool, if it was ad-libbed on set! I'm sure the whole crew would have dropped down laughing.

Maybe the shoemaker's children always go without shoes?

Just be sure NOT to include Summer Glau. She is surely nice to look at, but she brings certain doom to any good (or bad) TV series.

Only a ginger can call another ginger, ginger.

Now if only I'd know some dick jokes, I'd ace this comment.

He would also have blown at least two of the motherships.

I think it would benefit from a high-pitched voice saying: "Buy me, buy me, please buy me".

@Spaceboy: Yeah, for you Spaceboy, at least - she's gay.

Not exactly cyborg, but Illyana (X-Men) certainly had some problems with her armor in the past.

@atropia: I think the best part of the show so far has been the: "they are.. ehm.. here to rape us?"

The weird thing is. This show would actually be pretty cool if they would just put thing more over the top.

So, what you are saying that now instead being hung like a horse.. I'm a snake? Oh, just my luck. I bet my archery skills are pretty much down the toilet as well..

I'm just hoping they are not looking at these results through beer-goggles.

@Chris Braak: Best comment I've read all week, kudos.

Why, oh WHY have I seen all those horrible alternative scifi stuff? Why have I seen Trolls?! Oh .. my .. God ..

There are two because.. well, because they are ambidextrous. I'll leave the rest for people to figure out themselves.

So, based on the review I'd say... you liked it? :)

I would add Quantum Thief to the list.

I'm sure the new Robot Chicken special will be WIZARD!