
@Sven.T.Sexgore: Yes, I agree. It would make sense if the whisper would be "you are doomed regardless, you'll be zombies when you die, dont bury your dead"

@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: Very clever comment, it really hurts my head to think of a better one - luckily I have aspirin.

Those doors are too slow and look too much like.. wood! I'm willing to bet some money that there is a woman behind all these downgrades.

@psychiccheese: Yeah, broadly speaking Mpemba effect just means that sometimes (in some specific circumstances) hot freezes before cold.

@HadwinPeriphetes: Oh yesss.. maybe I should start an Uwe Boll fan club. We could call ourselves Uwe's Bolls or something..

@Ye_Olde_Fart: Yes, yes - maybe I should say this movie COULD have it all then.

[x] Time travel

@Bhockzer: If I'd be on the Universe writing staff - you'd be hired effective immediately.

@JamesT: Dont worry, it wont.

Actually it doesn't need to be that cold and the weird thing is that the effect is actually better with boiling water rather than cool water. It might actually be that the water wouldn't instant freeze (that way) in the video UNLESS it's boiling.

King Gustavus Adolphus, your shipment of fail has arrived.

King Gustavus Adolphus, your shipment of fail has arrived.

Worst? C'mon now. I'd say it's the best opportunity to acquire some new super powers!

An interesting thing about (most) elevators is that it's easier for them to go upwards rather than downwards. So if you are ever stuck in an elevator and need to manually move it. Do it upwards.


I think in that Farscape episode the writers were just playfully knocking on the fourth wall.

I think it is like when they asked Yngwie Malmsteen:

A crowbar, huh? Good choice :)

@Death_By_SnuSnu: You missed a golden opportunity for some clever word assosiation with masculinity. Because what you are saying is that, eventually, anglerfish guys are all just dicks.